#I’m gonna go cry cause dust in my eye that’s all
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acourtofquestions · 7 days ago
Her sons got to their feet, shock stark on their battered faces. It was Actaeon who whispered to Lidia, "Mom?"
She looked over a shoulder to her son. Her lips curved upward—at what he'd called her.
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martiansodas-blog · 4 months ago
Art x reader meeting the readers parents and it's an absolute mess:(
(bonus points if he finds her old room and plays with her calico critters and plushies)
ok my brain automatically went to older! art soooo…
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your parents knew 2 things about your new boyfriend.
1- he’s successful.
and 2- he’s a couple years older than you.
a couple years is an understatement.
but you figured once they met him and saw how sweet he treated you it wouldn’t matter!
this did not turn out to be the case.
your mom and dad took one look at him and made a snap judgment.
they knew his type, (supposedly.)
old money. a younger girl on his arm. cold and aloof. power hungry.
it’s a shame. this couldn’t be farther from the truth.
art donaldson may be a weapon on the court, but behind closed doors he’s the little spoon who makes you heart shaped pancakes.
“so. where did the two of you meet?” your mother asks, more to be pleasant and less because she wants to know the answer.
“at work,” you said , fondly remembering the exchange, “he was-“
“heckling my daughter in the workplace?”
“mom.” you warn “no.”
“honey,” your dad reigns her in
she huffs and crosses her arms in defeat.
“i was needing some more tennis equipment, actually.” art chimes in,
“yeah he was looking for these fancy sweatbands but we didn’t carry any, we just sort of got to talking.”
your dad gave you both a soft smile
“well, you seem to make our little girl very happy.”
incoming call from: tashi
“speaking of little girl, that’s probably her saying goodnight. excuse me.”
art very politely stepped out onto the porch.
“he has a kid?” your mothers eyes looked like they could pop out of her head at any second. “honestly why on earth would you think this is a good idea?”
“yes he does and she’s very sweet. her names lily.” you said firmly.
“so what? you’re gonna be a stepmom in your early twenties? is that what you want?”
“i wanted to introduce the person i love to my parents. but obviously that was a bad idea.”
your dad ushers your mom into their bedroom. he gives you a apologetic glance before he closes the door.
you stood there, frozen in the entryway for an unknown amount of time. as long as it took for art to finish his call and rest his hands on your shoulders from behind.
“hey hey, what’s the matter? what happened?”
you didn’t realize you were crying until you started to speak. well, tried to speak anyway.
“they,” you sniffed, “she…i’m sorry,”
“oh honey,” he pulled you into a hug.
you buried your face in his toned chest.
“i should’ve known this would happen” you heaved, gripping his shirt.
“shh, shh it’s ok. this is most definitely not your fault.”
he stroked your back and pressed feather light kisses to your hairline until you calmed down. when you removed yourself there was a wet patch right in the middle of his torso.
“let’s go upstairs, yeah?” he suggested gently.
he was almost using his dad voice.
you nodded, grabbed his coarse hand and guided him up the steps.
“so this is your childhood bedroom?”
art took in the whimsy filled room. the ceiling was only about a foot taller than him.
“the one and only.” you managed to crack a smile.
it was just how you’d left it at 18. the walls were pink and green. a choice you’d made at 7 and never got around to changing.
you’re glad you never painted over it now, though. it makes you feel innocent again, like a time capsule you can walk into.
art strolled around the room. looking at drama club trophies that lined the bookshelf, the collection of calico critters and the photo booth films stuck on your mirror.
there was a good amount of dust on everything. it caused a pit in your stomach to open up.
“you ok?”
“yeah” you nodded, “just got a little carried away by nostalgia.”
art wasn’t sure if touch would be the right thing for you right now, so he opened his arms, giving you the option.
you hugged him without a second thought. like an instinct. you squeezed him with all your might, like a stress ball. art hardly felt it, though.
“meeting my family will go better. my grandmas already looking forward to it.”
you lifted your head to look at him.
such a simple sentence gave you butterflies.
“yeah,” he chuckled, like it was obvious “i’ve told her all about you.”
you truly didn’t know what to say. so touched by the sincerity and excitement in his tone. it. it caused you to break into a smile, a real smile, for the first time since you’d got to your parents house.
“i’d like that very much.”
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The Lioness
Pairing: Tom Bennett x fem!reader
Warning: 1940-1950, slight misogyny, Tom is the perfect husband, fluff, swearing
Summary: To be a woman after the Second World War...
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Tom was home early for once. The body shop had been slow today—no new cars or engines to repair.
He was just pulling his work clothes from the washing machine to hang up when he heard the front door open and slam shut.
He raised an eyebrow but shrugged. Bad day at work, maybe, he thought.
But then he heard her angrily toss her keys into the crystal bowl by the door, followed by the loud crash of glass.
“Shit!” she shouted.
Tom sprang into action. Laundry could wait—his wife needed him.
He bolted down from the bathroom and stopped in the foyer, taking in the sight of shattered glass strewn across the floor.
“Don’t move, darlin’. I’ll get the broom.”
He turned and walked into the kitchen to grab the broom, dustpan, and garbage bin before heading back to the entrance.
One look at his wife told him this was more than just a bad day. It was shit. The unshed tears in her eyes were proof enough.
“I got your favorite flowers on my way home,” he mumbled as he carefully swept up the shards. “Nearly nicked my thumb cuttin’ the stems. You gotta show me again how to do it right.”
A small chuckle escaped her lips, making his own lift slightly.
“You shouldn’t have,” she whispered.
“Yes, I do,” he said. “I love you, and I wanted to show you. Also bought everything for dinner. I waited for you. Ya know, ‘cause I keep burnin’ the kitchen down without your supervision.”
More giggles escaped her lips.
He finished cleaning, then grinned as he tossed the awful crystal bowl into the bin.
“You hatin’ it that much?”
She rolled her eyes. “It was from me mom. You know how she gets when we don’t put her stuff up.” He knew all too well. One ugly dust catcher less in their house.
Tom grinned down at her. He set the broom and dustpan aside before stepping closer. His strong, left arm wrapped gently around her waist, and he pressed his nose to her forehead, pulling her into his chest.
“What happened?” he asked simply, holding her closer. Letting her know she was safe and she could cry her heart out to him.
He felt her body tremble. At first, he thought she was cold, but then he felt her fists balled up against his chest—warm, tense. She was furious.
“They’re letting me go,” she whispered, her voice hollow.
Tom stiffened at her words. Letting her go? She was the hardest-working person in that damn office.
“Why, darlin’?”
She let out an angry huff—cute, but now wasn’t the time to think about that. He needed to listen.
“Because I’m married,” she gritted out.
Tom frowned, more confused than ever. “I don’t see the problem. I’m married, and no one bats an eye. What’s so different between the two of us?”
He loosened his hold just enough to look down at her. Her eyes shimmered with unshed tears, and his chest ached at the sight.
“You aren’t expected to care for our future children,” she whispered, gaze dropping to the floor.
Tom took a deep breath, his mind racing. The whole situation made no damn sense.
“But I will be their father,” he mumbled. Then, suddenly, it clicked.
“Bastards,” he scoffed, looking down at her. He gently hooked a finger underneath her chin and lifted her face to look at him. “They want you gone so you stay home and be a good little housewife?”
She nodded.
Tom’s jaw clenched. He knew plenty of women chose to stay home and care for the house and kids. But then there were women like his wife—like his sister Lois—who wanted to work, to contribute, to build something of their own. And now, they were just forcing her out?
Over his dead body. “Not gonna happen while there’s air in my lungs. I’ll go to your office myself and fight for your job.”
But she shook her head. “Don’t. Maybe it’s an opportunity,” she whispered.
He raised a brow. “Oh?”
She nodded. “I was already looking for another job and found one. The head of the office is a woman. And honestly? I hate that job anyway,” she murmured, cuddling closer to him.
He chuckled softly, holding her closer to his chest and wrapping his other arm around her shoulder. He pressed a gentle kiss to the crown of her head.
“You’re too precious for this world, sweetheart,” he mumbled against her hair, breathing in the sweet scent of her soap.
The tranquillity of the moment was interrupted by the low growl of her stomach.
“The lion woke up,” he whispered teasingly, kissing her forehead before looking down at her.
She grinned. “It’s not sleeping tonight.”
He laughed softly, knowing she’d caught onto his little jab.
“Come on, my darling. Let’s feed it before it wakes the goddamn jungle,” he murmured, pulling her along to the kitchen—ready to once again learn to cook from his brilliant wife.
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illdowhatiwantthanks · 8 months ago
The Coconut (The Surprise, Part 21)
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Emily Prentiss x fem!reader Warnings: mentions of sex (but no smut), general pregnancy anxiety, explicit language (let me know if I've missed anything!) Word count: 1.7k
Summary: Your nesting instinct is kicking in hard and causing you some anxiety. But Emily is here to help make it better.
Week 31: The Coconut
You froze on your laddered perch in the nursery, dripping handled squeegee pressed against the chalkboard wall that the BAU had painted a few weeks ago, as you heard Emily knock on the open door.
“Uh… what’s going on in here?” she said, looking at you with equal parts concern and amusement.
You’d noticed today that it was dusty. And every time you passed the room, you could see more chalk dust, as if it was taunting you. Accumulating on the surfaces, making sandy little dust clouds on the hardwoods, sifting its way into the baby’s lungs, causing something horrendous and scary and life-altering, like polio or meningitis.
“The chalk wall was a bad idea, Em,” you said, huffing as you lowered the squeegee into the mop bucket. Emily surged forward to hold your forearms as you stepped down from the ladder.
“Don’t love the idea of you on this thing…” she muttered, more to herself than to you, then shook her head and looked at you, planting a quick hello kiss on your cheek. “What’s wrong with the chalk wall? I thought you liked it?”
You crossed your arms and bit at your lip, worried. You were so worried these days.
“What if it gets in her lungs or something, and she gets sick? I just…” You started to tear up despite yourself, sniffling and wiping at your eyes. “I want her to be safe. I have to keep her safe.”
“Oh, honey,” Emily said, placing her hands on either side of your face. “He will be safe. He’ll be so safe. We baby-proofed the hell out of this place, you know that. Come here, sit down. You’re okay.”
You lowered yourself gently onto the top step of the ladder, placing your hands over your baby bump, and feeling scared. So scared. You felt scared all the time right now, couldn’t seem to ward it off, no matter how you tried to distract yourself. You took shaky breaths, trying to calm yourself down as Emily crouched next to you, rubbing your hand with her thumb, then kissing it.
“What’s going on, huh? Can you tell me?” she prompted.
“I’m scared,” you admitted, shuddering. “I’m scared something will happen to her before she’s born. I’m scared something will happen after. I’m really fucking scared of labor. I’m scared I’ll get hurt, so she’ll get hurt, and it’ll be my fault.”
“Okay, well, for starters, let’s not get on the ladder. That should help,” Emily observed, then quickly backtracked when you started crying harder.
“Honey, you’re not gonna hurt him,” she insisted, taking both your hands in hers and resting her chin on your baby bump as she knelt in front of you. “You are so good at taking care of people. You take care of me. He should be a piece of cake in comparison!”
You laughed, wiping snot from under your nose.
“And, baby, a little chalk isn’t going to hurt him. We want him to have fun, too, remember?”
“I know…” you choked out.
Emily watched you sniffle, your eyes puffy, looking terrified and bedraggled, and she wished she could take it from you. She wanted you to see yourself the way she saw you: strong and kind and caring and protective. She wanted you to know that it was not just your responsibility to keep the baby safe. It was hers, too, and it was a job she took very seriously–for both you and him.
“What if something terrible happens, Em?” you whispered. “During labor?”
She sighed and looked at you, brushing a strand of hair from your face. “Be honest. Did you watch more 16 & Pregnant?”
You looked down. “...No.”
“Y/N…” she chastised.
You sighed. “Yes.”
Emily kissed your forehead, then grabbed a piece of chalk and started doodling on the wall.
“Babe, you’ve got to stop watching that. It just makes you nervous. Also, you’re not sixteen.”
You watched as Emily drew on the wall–a lumpy oval with a few lines and a smiling face. Above it, she wrote Don’t worry, be happy!
“See?” she said, showing off her work. “Don’t worry, baby. It’s all gonna be okay.”
You squinted your eyes at the smiling lump. “What am I looking at?”
Emily’s face fell a bit. “It’s a fish! You know, like one of those that hangs on the wall and sings the song.”
You raised your eyebrows and smirked. “You sure? It looks like a puddle with eyes.”
She surged forward to tickle the spot just under your arms that always made you giggle, and you fought her half-heartedly as she planted fluttery kisses across your face.
“Alright, Picasso, let’s see you do any better,” she argued.
Over the course of the evening, you and Emily decorated the whole wall. You drew all the things you hoped the baby would love. Storybooks and lines of music, a little black cat and a very wobbly Eiffel tower. After a while, the pizza Emily ordered arrived, and you felt weepy all over again that she knew that a greasy slice of pepperoni goodness was just what you needed this evening. Emily always knew what you needed, sometimes even before you did. You didn’t even mind the chalk all over your clothes, all over the walls and the floor, in your hair. You wiped your hands off on paper towels, then sat cross-legged on the floor of the nursery, eating slices of pizza right out of the box.
You finished filling in all the blank spaces on the chalkboard wall, around a big, stick-figure drawing of you and Emily and a little ambiguous human. You’d bubble-lettered the words Welcome home, little love! above it, and Emily had colored it in, all rainbows and bright colors and polka dots. And when you stood back to admire your work–it really did look like a toddler had drawn it–you took Emily’s hand in yours and leaned against her shoulder. Yes, there was a lot to worry about bringing a new human into the world. Yes, you were, by nature, an anxious person. But Emily was your port in the storm. She was strong where you were weak and weak where you were strong. You fit together perfectly. And as the little one kicked against your stomach, you knew that there was a space, where you and Emily came together, that was just the right fit for this tiny human. There was no sense in worrying where she would fit in your life, in the world. She already had a space. In your heart, in your world, in your very bodies.
You and Emily sat under the window in the Bunting glider you’d repurposed from your grandma’s house. You’d opted for a glider instead of a rocker because you knew when Emily was here, she’d want to be with you and the baby always, especially when rocking or feeding, and on the glider, there was room for all of you. You cracked the window a bit, just enough to hear the birdsong but not enough to let in the heat. Your feet dangled over the armrest of the glider, the back of your head in Emily’s lap as she ran her fingers haphazardly through your hair, to the same rhythm that she pushed the glider back and forth, back and forth, with her feet.
“Do you remember the night we moved in together?” you asked her quietly, not wanting to disrupt the soft beauty of the moment.
She looked down at you and smiled, her eyes bright with memory. “I do.”
The fading evening sun shone perfectly through the nursery window, the little crystal Penelope had bought you refracting tiny rainbows all throughout the room. You laughed and talked about nothing and everything, and it really did remind you of when you and Emily moved in together–all hope and possibilities and excitement for what was to come. You’d sat on a floor, not so dissimilar to this one, and eaten pizza just like you had tonight, and she’d laid you down gently, so gently, on the newly-unfurled rug. She’d kissed you again and again and told you that she wanted to be near you always, forever. And your heart had surged because no one had ever wanted you like that before. No one had wanted you always. No one had wanted you near. But Emily did. And when she made love to you that same night on that same unfurled rug, you’d cried. Not because she hurt you, not because you were sad or forlorn or mourning the end of your single era, but because you were not used to being so fully, wholly wanted. Wanted not in part, not just sometimes, but for all of you.
“Are you sure about all this, Em?” you asked, gesturing to yourself, the baby, the room.
She chuckled. “Well, it’s a little late if I’m not, isn’t it?”
You smacked her lightly on the arm. “I’m serious.”
She bent over you, her hair falling in your face so that you wrinkled your nose. She placed a hand on either side of your head, just watching you for a moment, smoothing her thumbs over your eyebrows. “I’m sure, honey. I’ve never been so sure about anything.”
Maybe it was your face that gave you away, your face that revealed your inability to believe fully, even all these years later, even after all the daily reminders, big and small, of just how much Emily loved you, that she didn’t want out. Whatever it was, she could see it, and, like she always did, she put it to rest.
She squeezed your head lightly, as if to knock her love through your thick skull.
“I’ve been sure about you since the night we met. Get it through your head, dork. I’m not going anywhere. If I was, I’d certainly have left before now.”
You scoffed. “Ouch.”
She shrugged, grinning a little. “I’m just saying! I had plenty of outs. I didn’t take them. I didn’t want to.”
“You promise?” you asked, but at this point you were just fishing for affirmation. You knew Emily. You knew she meant what she said.
“Y/N,” she said, staring down at you so forcefully you couldn’t help but laugh. “I married you.”
“And don’t you forget it,” you said, grasping her hand and kissing the inside of her wrist.
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massivedrickhead · 10 months ago
If it hasn’t been asked yet, I’d love to see what you come up with for the “I’m not gonna yell at you” prompt!
Thanks so much for sending this, I hope you like it!
“I’m not going to yell at you.”
Prompt taken from here
Read on AO3
TW: abuse is alluded to
The sound of smashing glass and a startled yelp caused Beca to look up from her phone and frown.
She shoved it into her pocket and entered the kitchen, where she saw Chloe picking shards of glass up from the floor.
“What happened?” Beca asked, causing Chloe to jump which then caused the shard of glass to slip in her hand and slice into her thumb.
“Shit,” Chloe muttered as blood began to well up in the cut the glass had left.
“Oh crap, I’m sorry,” Beca said.
Chloe shook her head and turned on the faucet before sticking her thumb underneath the running water. “It’s my fault,” Chloe said. “I was being careless, I’m sorry.”
“Are you… apologising for cutting yourself?” Beca asked, her brows pulled together in confusion.
“No,” Chloe said. “I’m apologising for breaking one of your glasses.”
“Oh,” Beca said. “It’s fine, it was an accident. I’m more worried about you, are you okay?”
“I should have been more careful,” Chloe said as if Beca hadn’t said anything. “You were kind enough to let me stay with you and here I am smashing up your stuff and-”
“Chloe,” Beca said, placing her hand on Chloe’s arm. “It was one glass. All my shit is Ikea, it isn’t expensive. And even if it was, it’s not like you did it on purpose.”
“I just don’t want you to be mad or yell or something,” Chloe said, turning off the faucet and gingerly inspecting her cut thumb. 
“I’m not mad, and I’m not going to yell at you,” Beca said, handing her a paper towel. “I’d never yell at you.”
Chloe pressed the paper towel against her thumb. The bleeding seemed to have stopped, but it still stung. “I know that,” she said. “Logically, I know that.” She sighed. “He’s still rattling around in my head.”
Beca pulled her teeth across her bottom lip and exhaled through her nose.
She didn’t need to ask who Chloe was talking about. 
“Of course he is,” Beca said softly. “After everything that happened, how could he not be?”
“What he did… I know you’d never do that to me,” Chloe said. “I know that. It’s just… Sometimes I forget that it’s all over.”
“I wish I could fix it for you,” Beca said. “Undo all the damage he did.”
“I know,” Chloe said, giving Beca a smile so small it was hardly there at all. “You can’t fix it, but you are helping.”
Chloe nodded, and her smile grew just a fraction. 
Beca smiled back at her. “Good,” she said. She grabbed the dustpan and brush from the cupboard under the sink and shooed Chloe backwards and away from the shards of broken glass. “You wanna go pick a movie to watch with dinner? The pizza should be here soon,” she asked, sweeping the shards of glass into the dustpan.
“You hate movies,” Chloe said.
“Yeah, but you don’t,” Beca replied. She tipped the glass into the trash and dusted her hands against her jeans. “I’m willing to do a lot of things for you, Chloe Beale, and watching movies is definitely one of them.”
Chloe grinned, kissed Beca on the cheek, and headed into the living room. 
Once Chloe was out of sight, Beca gently touched the spot on her cheek which felt like it was burning. She sighed, closed her eyes, and then shook herself out of it.
She grabbed the vacuum cleaner from the hall closet and vacuumed the spot where the glass had smashed. She tried to hold onto that brief glimpse she’d gotten of the old Chloe - the Chloe who wasn’t so nervous, and jumpy, and unnecessarily apologetic.
She tried to ignore the memory of the Chloe who’d arrived at her apartment last month. Shaking and crying and apologising for turning up in the middle of the night. She couldn’t ignore it though. The memory came back to her during every quiet moment. She was sure she’d never forget it as long as she lived.
“Please can I stay? Chicago, he’s…”
“You’ve vacuumed that same spot like ten times, I think the glass is gone,” Chloe said, leaning against the doorway to the living room.
“Right,” Beca said, shaking her head slightly and forcing out a chuckle. “Did you pick something?”
“I seem to remember you telling me you’d never seen Sister Act, and I think that we need to fix that,” Chloe said, tapping the remote control against the heel of her hand. She opened her mouth to say more, but the apartment buzzer went off and she jumped, sending the remote control clattering to the floor. 
“I’m sure it’s just the pizza guy,” Beca said. She pressed the button on the intercom and asked who was there.
“Alfredo’s,” a bored voice replied. “Got an order for Beca Mitchell.”
“I stand corrected,” Beca said. “It’s the pizza gal. I’m gonna grab it, the elevator’s still out and I don’t have a tip big enough for them to climb four flights of stairs. Will you be okay?”
Chloe, who had been staring into space, focused her eyes on Beca, and she gave a tight-lipped smile and nodded.
When Beca left the apartment, Chloe forced herself to take a steadying breath.
She was getting tired of this. The jumpiness, the anxiety, it was all so exhausting. 
She just wanted to feel like herself again.
She wanted to go back in time so that the last two years hadn’t happened.
She wished she’d made a different decision that final night of the USO tour.
Chloe was still staring into space when Beca returned.
“They need to fix that elevator,” Beca said, shutting the door behind her with a huff. “I almost had to stop halfway and set up base camp.”
Chloe laughed, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes.
“Plate or just out of the box?” Beca asked.
“Box is fine,” Chloe replied.
Beca nodded and carried the box through to the living room. “Come on,” she said. “I hear we have some singing nuns to watch.”
Beca was almost asleep when the credits rolled, and Chloe lifted her head from Beca’s shoulder to hit stop.
“I gotta admit, that was pretty good,” Beca said, yawning and stretching.
“Told you,” Chloe replied. 
“I’m gonna call it,” Beca said, checking her watch. “I have to be at work crazy early tomorrow for some big meeting.”
As Beca was about to stand, Chloe put her hand on her arm to stop her.
“I just… I can’t thank you enough, Beca. For everything you’ve done… Everything you’re doing… I’ll never be able to repay you for it.”
“You don’t have to repay me,” Beca said. “And you don’t have to thank me. I just wish I’d known sooner. I wish I’d seen it before…” Beca trailed off, that image of Chloe crying at her door floating back into her mind. “I’m sorry that I didn’t see it.”
“You’ve got nothing to apologise for,” Chloe said. “You literally saved my life.”
Beca let out a quick breath through her nose and ran a hand through her hair, shaking it out as she tried not to let her eyes fill with tears. “I’m so glad you’re here, Chloe. I don’t ever want you to think otherwise.”
“I’m glad I’m here too,” Chloe said, allowing Beca to pull her into a hug. They stayed like that for a while until Chloe spoke again. “I’ve been having nightmares,” she said. “I think that’s why I’ve been so clumsy, I haven’t been sleeping well. Do you think… Could I stay with you tonight?”
“You don’t even have to ask,” Beca said. 
Chloe let out a breath of relief and hugged Beca even tighter.
“Thank you,” she said. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“Luckily you’ll never need to find out.”
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hitsmelikeasteamroller · 2 years ago
Runaway Thoughts
Carmen Berzatto X Reader
Warnings: Smut, Language, Anxiety, Drinking, Slightly drunk sex
Word Count: 3,051
Summary: After a mishap in the kitchen, Carmen takes it upon himself to cheer you up. 
A/N: This is my first Carmen fic and I hope everyone likes it bc I am definitely starved Carmen content lol. This is not proofread sorry not sorry <3
When your brother begged you to join him working at The Bear, you would have said no if you knew what it entailed. Richie pulled you into the job by calling me over and over, complaining about other candidates and how they “didn’t fix the napkin” whatever that means. You gave in, becoming a server for the restaurant, and managing front-of-house affairs, training the servers on anticipating customers’ needs and wants, and improving their overall experiences at The Bear. The tense atmosphere of the back of house staff doesn't often carry to the front of house workers, but when it rains, it pours.
Tonight was one of those nights. Focaccia courses were behind, pushing everything else back, and causing Carmen Berzatto to lose his shit behind the kitchen doors.
“Where the FUCK are the seven fishes for table 42?!” Carmen screams at Tina.
She attempts to explain that the last batch got undercooked, and she had to cook some of the ingredients a bit longer when Carmen cut her off, snapping  “Just get it done, chef. Every second counts.”
Tensions have been high all night and only continue to rise as servers poke their heads in and out of the kitchen to ask where their missing dishes are. Nothing pisses the chefs off more than this.
The flames between the servers and the chefs are stoked with every backed up dish, and every question, a fact you are overwhelmingly aware of as the servers decide to come to you as a front-of-house manager. You’ve finally had enough of the complaints, and you stomp through the restaurant in search of Richie. He would know what to do, his gruff and snarky exterior being able to bridge the gap between front and back-of-house, with his sister in front and Carmen in the back. Unable to find him in the front, you push open the doors to the kitchen and begin to make your way to the back doors, behind which you assume Richie is standing smoking a cigarette. In your haste, you forget to yell ‘corner’ as you crash directly into one of the dishwashers, who just so happened to be holding a freshly clean stack of salad plates. You watch in slow-motion as part of the stack tips off the top, crashing and shattering on the kitchen tile.
“Oh my God, I-I’m so sorry, here let me go get the broom, I’ll-” you begin to panic, rambling on about cleaning the plates before you look up and meet the eyes of the person you crashed into. It’s one of the new guys, you haven’t talked to him before, making your mishap all the more embarrassing.
In the middle of your rambling he cuts you off.
“Are you too fucking stupid to say ‘corner’?!” He barks. “What the fuck is wrong with you?! Do you not know how a kitchen works?! Now we’re gonna be fucked over for the rest of the night because we’re short fifteen plates! And it’s your fucking fault.”
You apologize profusely again as you grab the broom and the dustpan, attempting to sweep what you can to avoid any risk. The man finally walks away as you sweep, muttering more about how he hates you and how you fucked the kitchen for the night. You go silent, retreating from your current situation into your head and thoughts. Are you stupid? You couldn’t solve the server’s problems without running to cry to your brother. You empty the dust pan into the trash. You’re awful at this job. You don’t deserve to work here. You smooth your shirt as you walk back to the front, not looking at any of the chefs you walk past. You’re an obstacle. You don’t help all you do is hurt. You tell a server to deal with their backed up tables by themself, continuing to walk past the rows of tables, to one you know is waiting on their food. Thoughts continue to plague you as you offer them all free glasses of wine as they wait. You wouldn’t have to give away free drinks if you could control the servers. You’re costing the restaurant money. You’re gonna fuck everyone over.
Your night continues like this, nitpicking yourself as you try to do your job, unable to fully be in the moment. A faraway look sits on your face as you complete your cutwork. You roll silverware in fabric napkins, placing the complete bundles into a crate for tomorrow as your thoughts haunt the back of your mind. Richie’s gonna be so fucking pissed. You roll another. Carmen’s gonna fire you. Another. The chefs all hate you now. You reach for another fork, and realize you’re out of clean silverware, signaling your ability to leave.
Checking your phone, you realize it’s much later than usual, you must be moving pretty slowly tonight. The kitchen getting backed up must’ve been your fault.
You arrive at your locker, swapping your non-slip work shoes for regular sneakers. You hear footsteps as you grab your bag.
“Oh good you’re still here. I need to talk to you.” It's Carmen. You’re fired. He hates you.
“I was actually just about to leave, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for what happened earlier too, I didn’t mean to knock into him, I understand if you don’t want me back, I totally fucked up the whole kitchen I’m so sorry.” your words escape you before you can think about what you want to say.
“No. No no no, you’re not fired (y/n). You’re like the most reliable one here.  I just need to know what he said to you.” Carmen looks surprised that you would have thought he would ever fire you. “Plus I think Richie would kill me if I fired you so…” he laughs, trying to lighten the mood.
“Oh. Sorry. I just kind of assumed-” you trail off before you begin to tell Carmen the awful things the dishwasher said to you, not letting the tears that were welled in your eyes spill down your cheeks.
Carmen looks at you with an upset empathy in his blue eyes, he reaches forward to brush a stray tear from your cheek, then takes your hand in his as you finish telling him how the things the man said to you had echoed in the back of your head all night. “I’m sorry, I know it shouldn’t affect me like it does, I should just move on, grow up.” You dryly laugh, attempting to brush your insecurities off as a joke.
“No, (y/n), I expect that from my chefs who have gone through culinary school. They have those words drilled into them for years and they learn to deal with that in a learning setting, not a professional kitchen like this. That is not in your job description and should not have happened, as the owner I can not apologize to you enough.”
Carmen’s words make you feel reassured and safe. You’ve never heard him speak like that in all of the years you’ve known him.
“It’s not your fault Carmy, I think- I think I just need to go home and sleep off the day.” you brush a strand of hair behind your ear as you bend to grab your bag again.
“Here let me call you an Uber, you don’t really seem to be in a place to deal with the L.” Carmy grabs for his phone, opening the app. “Where do you live?”
You tell him your address and he snaps his head to look at you
“Are you fucking with me?” he asks. You shake your head. “Oh my God you live like a block from me.” He laughs in surprise.
“Oh shit, are you leaving soon? We can just share the Uber to our shithole apartments.” You laugh back. It’s definitely not the nicest part of town but at least Carmy can share your pain.. You’re shocked Richie never mentioned that you live in the same area as Carmen, but Richie is kind of fucking stupid.
Carmy agrees to split the Uber, grabbing his things while you wait for the car to arrive.
As the two of you walk to the car, Carmen opens the door for you, allowing you to slide in before he takes his own seat and slams the door shut, briefly exchanging pleasantries with the driver. It’s a 20 minute drive through the traffic spent exchanging stories of Richie, remodeling The Bear, and finding line cooks doing drugs in the alley. As you pull up to Carmy’s building, he licks his lips nervously, and turns to look at you. “Hey uh, do you want to maybe come in for a drink? I can walk you to your building later if you want?”
“Only if you have tequila.” You respond. He laughs and you follow him out of the car to the doors of his building.
You sit on his couch with a drink in your hand. He sits beside you, picking up your earlier conversation.
“Richie was always an asshole but you were so nice and polite, I didn’t believe you were related when you first came to Christmas.” Carmen is leaned back against the couch, feet up on the coffee table. The arm holding his drink is propped up on the arm of the couch. He looks delicious. It’s then you remember to respond.
“I think I was on my best behavior because your family is terrifying.” You laugh. “Like is Cicero in the mafia or like what is the deal with that?”
Carmen’s face drops “Oh babe, we can’t talk about that.” His voice is hushed and your heart drops. You dumbass you fucked it up. Carmy's concerned look cracks into a smile.
“I’m fucking with you.” He laughs and you let out a sigh of relief.
“You’re awful.” you laugh in response, softly swatting his arm. It's then you realize how close together you are really sitting. You can smell him, hear him breathe. As he finishes laughing, he meets your eyes. It must be the alcohol talking when he says “You know I used to have the biggest crush on you, I was too scared to talk to you that first Christmas because of it.”
You’re taken aback. Fucking Carmen Berzatto just admitted that he had a CRUSH on you.
“No you’re fucking with me again.” You can’t believe him.
“No I promise you I’m not. I honestly don’t think it ever went away, and I probably shouldn't say that but I’m a little drunk right now and there’s a beautiful girl on my couch.”
You can’t say anything. Your cheeks heat up as you lean into him meeting your lips with his. As your lips meet you feel him sigh in contentment, he’s been waiting for this and so have you. Your lips move against each other heatedly as you intensify the kiss. You’re leaned over him so you can kiss him as he is leaned against the back of the couch. Your arm meets his side of the couch to prop yourself up across him and he breaks the kiss for a moment as his arm meets your lower back, encouraging you to set yourself on his lap. Your legs wrap around his waist as you continue to kiss, his tongue entering your mouth as his hand pushes itself under your shirt, rubbing your back. Your hands make their way to his head, you have one hand on his cheek, one tangled in his hair as he moans into the kiss. You feel his hardening cock underneath you as you sit on his lap and you trail a hand down his torso towards his hips.
You pull away from his lips as you whisper  with a soft laugh “Carmy I think I owe you for the Uber.”
You take yourself off of his lap as he frees himself from his pants, his hard cock rests against his stomach as he lays back on the couch. You place yourself between his legs, taking him in your hand. You run your hang along him a couple times before taking him in your mouth.
“Oh my God that’s so fucking good babe, Oh my God.” Carmen moans as you move your head up and down.
He threads his hand into your hair as his head falls back looking towards the ceiling, consumed in the pleasure you are giving him.
He begins to rock his hips to meet your mouth, your hands run up and down his thighs as you continue to suck him off.
Suddenly he pulls you off his cock, keeping his hand in your hair as he pulls you to his lips, heatedly kissing you.
“Can I please fuck you, I need to be in you.” Carmen almost whines.
“Please.” is all you respond before he lays you down on the couch, pulling your shirt off and throwing it somewhere into the abyss of the living room. His kisses from your neck down to your stomach, unbuttoning your pants. Your pants come off next. They meet the same fate as your shirt, thrown to the side. Carmen continues to kiss along your hips, pulling your panties down. He slides two fingers through your heat as he leans back up to meet your mouth with his. “So wet babe. Is it all for me?” He knows the answer, he just wants to hear you say it yourself.
“Yes Carm, all for you.” you moan in response, giving him exactly what he wants.
“Oh babe.” He lines his cock up with your entrance, pushing in bit by bit to give you time to adjust. He kisses up your neck, right under your ear as he begins to thrust into you, causing you to gasp and wrap your hands around his back.
He moans as he fucks you, your hands running down his back. He feels your nails dig into his shoulders as he angles his hips up, hitting the perfect spot inside of you. Your head is thrown back, whimpers escaping your lips as he continues at that angle.
“Oh yeah that’s the spot isn’t it?” Carmy muses, confidence dripping from his statement as he watches your reaction to his actions. It's driving him crazy. He fucks you harder as he feels himself about to finish.
“Oh Babe, I’m gonna cum, you’re so good, so tight oh my God.” He is rambling as he fucks into you, trailing his hand down your front, stopping at your clit, rubbing small circles as he continues to fuck you hard and fast.
“Oh my God Carm please don’t stop that I’m gonna cum, oh fuck.”
“Fuck babe, cum with me, please, fuck.” Carmen continues his actions as your orgasm washes over you, causing you to tense as he pulls out and finishes onto your stomach. Moans fill the room as you ride out your orgasms. Carmen, still above you, leans his forehead against yours, breathing heavily. You tilt your chin up to meet his lips, capturing each other in a sweet, heavy kiss.
Finally Carmen stands to grab a towel and clean you off. He finds his boxers and pulls them back on as he walks away to throw the towel in the laundry. You wonder if you are going to sleep here, or complete the walk of shame back to your complex down the street. Your questions are answered when Carmy tosses one of his shirts to you, cocking his head in a ‘follow me’ signal towards his bedroom.
“Uh, there’s a shower in there if you want, you can sleep here with me, or I can walk you home. No pressure.” He kisses your temple and moves to his dresser to find a shirt.
You make your way to his bathroom to take a brief shower, still feeling a little gross from your shift earlier. Washing yourself with Carmen’s soap, you’re lost in thoughts about how you just fucked your boss and family friend, and it was fucking awesome. You dry yourself with a towel, putting the shirt Carmen gave you back on. He is sitting on the edge of the bed, writing something on his phone when you open the bathroom door. He sets his phone down to look at you. You sit next to him and lean your head on his shoulder.
“Hey.” is all he says.
“That was so good, Carmy.” you simply respond.
“Fuck yeah it was.” He softly laughs. You turn your head and meet him in a soft kiss. “Do you want to stay here tonight? I can make you breakfast in the morning.” He offers, speaking into your hair as you lean against him.
“Yeah, I think I’d love that.” you respond. You crawl into the bed, settling under the covers as he slides in next to you.
He pulls you to him as you wrap your arms around him. “We probably shouldn’t talk about this in front of people.” He says softly.
You breathe out a laugh as you think about what Richie would say if he found out about this. “Yeah, probably not. Just act normal.” you respond.
“Just act normal, huh?” he laughs. “Act like I didn’t just have the best sex of my life with you?” He teases.
“I don’t know, Richie and Sydney would love to hear every detail of this, I’m sure.” You counter playfully. He sighs as he begins to rub your back. You close your eyes as you are hit with a wave of exhaustion from the day, head growing heavier against Carmy’s chest. He kisses the top of your head, whispering a soft goodnight as he turns off the lamp, plunging the room into darkness.
After a delicious breakfast, Carmen walks you back to your building so you can get ready for your dinner shift. You smooth your shirt, trying to get rid of the wrinkles caused by it sitting in a heap on Carmy’s living room floor. Just act normal.
You walk into the restaurant, clocking in and walking past the chefs cleaning up lunch. You meet Carmy’s eye and hold back an awkward laugh. Sydney and Tina exchange a suspicious look and Carmen tells them to get back to work as he watches you pass through the kitchen doors to the front.
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percyspinkpoodle · 1 year ago
can you do a chris fluff where the reader is a singer and chris says he cant make it to her concert and shes super disappointed but then she sees him in the crowd? i love ur posts! ur so underrated im looking forward for more fics from u! 💓💓
LOVER - chris sturniolo
pairings: chris sturniolo x singer!reader
warnings: nothing, fluff :)
a/n: y’all i need requests like literally dont feel embarrassed to ask :)
“so, are you excited for your first show?” Madi asks, and you could’ve sworn you saw a guilty look flash on your boyfriend chris’ face.
“I’m so fucking excited to get back out there, you have no idea!” You say excitedly, grinning up at your best friend.
“Ma, i need to talk to you..” Chris says, and you can tell he’s nervous, he has his bottom lip trapped in between his teeth, a habit he has when he’s nervous.
“Yeah of course, we’ll be back, mads.” You smile at her as you and Chris stand up.
“what’s wrong?” You ask Chris, now transported from the living room, to Chris’ room downstairs.
“um.. i’m not going to be able to come.. to you first show.” He says, looking at the ground. He can’t bear to see the disappointment he caused on your face.
“oh.” you reply quietly, your mood instantly killed. “i’m so sorry, ma. I have a really important meeting and i-“ He starts, before you cut him off.
“it’s okay, don’t worry about it. I love you.” You say before pecking him on the lips. Although you were still visibly disappointed.
Chris sighs and kisses your hand. “I’m so sorry ma, i really wish i could be there.”
“it’s okay, lets go back upstairs, Madi is waiting.”
“hello LA! how are we feeling tonight?” You shout, immediately being ambushed with screams and cheers afterwards.
“There’s so many of you! so, i’m gonna kick off tonight with a very special song, about a very special person..” You say, before the lights dim and a stage crew member passes you your pink guitar.
You start strumming the strings to the melody of the song ‘Lover’ a song you wrote about Chris, and the first song you ever released.
When the crowd recognise the song, they scream in excitement before the lyrics start.
“we can leave the christmas lights up till’ January.
this is our place, we make the rules.”
you sing as you smile at the shouting crowd in front of you, some teenage girls crying, some holding the hand to their hearts as they sway their body from side to side, and some screaming the lyrics at the top of their lungs.
“your my, my, my…”
you scan the crowd with a small smile on your face, before you eyes land on a familiar face.
you feel your smile grow so much that it starts to hurt your face slightly, as a light pink colour dusted your cheeks.
you watch him sing the lyrics along with you and the rest of the crowd, tears brimming his eyes.
“and at every table… i’ll save you a seat,”
you point to him as you sing the next word;
“thankyou all so much for spending time with me tonight, i hope you had as much fun as i did! i love you all, have a good night!” You say into the microphone as pink confetti falls to the ground.
You rush of the stage, wanting nothing more than to be in the arms of your boyfriend.
You ran off the stage, and towards Chris, who stood with his arms wide open backstage.
You collapse into his arms, and he holds you tightly.
“i’m so fucking proud of you, ma. you were so good” He whispers into your ear as you both stay in each others arms.
“i thought you weren’t coming!” You say as You pull away from the hug and wipe my eyes.
“I managed to push back the meeting for next month instead. oh, i also got you these.” He grabs the bouquet of flowers that sat on the little table next to us and hands them to you.
You grab them and hug them to your chest. “Thank you so much, i love you chris.”
“Of course. I love you more, my lover.”
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eclecticqueennerd · 2 years ago
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Y/N Ending
Staring at Homelander’s corpse, breathing ragged, you felt a hand touch your shoulder. You turn around and see Butcher standing next to you. How is this possible? Homelander beat him within an inch of his life, at the very least he should be comatose. You see the rolled-up sleeve and track marks.
“Come on, let’s leave before others find out what happened.” Butcher goes to grab your hand and you snatch them away.
“I’m not going anywhere with you.”
“Y/n I aint fuckin around. You just dusted Vought’s pride and joy and they’re gonna be lookin for ya. We need to leave while we can.”
“I’m not going anywhere with a liar!”
“Your arm.” Butcher looks down, “You just shot up Temp-V after you promised you wouldn’t. How can I trust you if you can’t even keep your promises?”
“What else was I supposed to do y/n I was dying! We can talk about this later.”
“We’re not talking about anything later. Bye Butcher.” You begin to walk away from Butcher but then he grabs your arm.
“You don’t get to walk away from me.”
“Is there a problem here?” Ben now at your side. You step away from both men, Butchers eyes narrow.
“Mind your fucking business you supe cunt.”
“Anything with y/n is my business. How many times do I have to remind you, she’s, my girl.”
“She aint your girl she’s mine.”
“I’m no one’s girl!” The two men break the stare off and look at you. “This whole time I’ve been helping you fight Vought and fight Payback; I never got a chance to be what it’s like to be by myself. I never got to grieve for my poor husband.” You start crying. Butcher reaches out for you. “No! Don’t touch me. I’m done with this superhero shit.” You leave before the two of them get a chance to change your mind.
You find out that Grace was in the hospital, and you rushed to be by her side. Homelander never killed her but the attack left her paralyzed. In hopes to repay her for all her kindness, you become her caretaker. You helped her with daily activities, bathing, dressing, cooking, and cleaning.
“You know y/n you don’t have to do this.” Grace would always tell you in the beginning.
“I know I don’t have to do it; I want to. I want to repay all the kindness you showed me.” Grace helped you find a therapist to work out the shit you went through and how to develop copeing skills for when your PTSD arose its ugly head. Winding down one evening, the two of you were sitting in the living room watching the news when you got a strong urge to vomit. You ran to the bathroom did so. Confused, you walked back to the living room and Grace gave you a look.
“You, okay?”
“Yeah, something must not have agreed with my stomach, I just puked.” Graces attention fell back towards the tv.
The following morning, you felt like garbage. You made multiple trips to the bathroom, either to vomit or dry heave. You also noticed that your breasts were more tender than they have been, which isn’t normal. Weird…
“Y/n, have you thought about taking a pregnancy test?” Grace asked once you sat down at the breakfast table with a glass of tepid water.
“I don’t see the point in that, I can’t get pregnant after getting my tubes tied.”
“Theres always a small chance of getting pregnant y/n, the doctor explained that when you were still drugged, which I think he should’ve waited. Did you use protection when you shacked up with Butcher?” Oh shit. You made a doctor’s appointment.
“I’m afraid Grace is right y/n, test results came back positive, we tested both your blood and urine. We can perform an ultrasound to determine how far along you are, but basing off your symptoms and the timeline you gave us, we estimate you at approximately 6-8 weeks. We also feel like with your accelerated healing powers, it caused the tubes to grow back together. If it weren’t for you having the abilities you have, the surgery may have been more successful.”
Your heart sank into your stomach. You can’t be pregnant, it wasn’t possible. Reading your expression, the doctor adds,
“We can arrange for… a procedure to take place in a few days’ time if you didn’t want to keep it.” Several minutes of silence befell the room as you mulled over your thoughts.
“I’ll keep it.”
Grace’s family heard what happened to her and they arrived at her home to care for her. Even though Grace wanted you to stay, you felt unwelcome by her family. You decided to find an apartment in the city. Packing up the final boxes into the van, you give Grace a hug and bid farewell.
“Make sure you call me when you get there. Send me your schedule for your appointments and I’ll be there for you.”
“Thanks Grace.”
*Third trimester*
Arriving back to your apartment after a long day of being on your feet, you notice a small daisy on your doormat. This event occurred the same day every week since you moved back to the city. You always look around the hallway to see any figures and like usual, no one. You pick up the flower and make your way into the apartment and set it on the counter. Then, strong contractions began in your abdomen and lower back, water trickled down your legs. You pull out your phone,
“Grace, It’s time.”
*4 years later*
You moved to a small town just outside the city. The apartment complex wasn’t awful, it was close enough for you to make the trip into the city but far enough from all the stressors of city life. What prompted the move was the weekly flower delivery made you feel uneasy and watched. You and your daughter, who you named Lyla, always went out for ice cream on Wednesdays at the mom-and-pop ice cream parlor. Walking up to the second floor of the apartment building ice creams in hand, you reach your door and unlock it. The two of you enter the apartment and while you kicked off your shoes, you noticed a familiar pair of boots. Before you could react,
“Mommy? Who’s that?” you look up to where your daughter was pointing. There standing in front of you, was the man you left all those years ago in Vought’s lab. He still looked the same, beard maintained, brown hair a little longer now, his tall frame still holds the same confidence, face appeared more weathered than before.
“Hey.” He spoke. Lyla must’ve noticed the look on your face. She began tugging at your sleeve, showing her nerves. You break eye contact with him and look at your daughter, who serves as the daily reminder of the steamy nights you shared with the man in front of you.
“It’s okay honey. That’s your daddy.”
The end
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dreamtydraw · 6 months ago
hi there!! so I was recently looking for visual novels to occupy my time with, and I came across 21 questions, so I played it. and I loved it. so I played tulipe. and I liked that one a lot too. then I checked out your social media and I was really curious about the ✨️paranormal club lore✨️, so I just played all of them-
I didn't realize it when I was playing the game, but I've seen a lot of your our life art here on tumblr and I can't get over how pretty it is! even when it's just doodles that you do for fun, I still really like your style cause you make everyone look so nice. even if you're just drawing clem in a clown suit, we still love that
I don’t usually draw anymore because even though I used to like it, I feel like I lack all motivation to do it now, but seeing your art is really giving me inspiration to pick up a paper and a pencil and start drawing again :D
I personally share your love for visual novels, and I enjoy replaying yours because they're honestly so nice. I guess I just like seeing the way the story progresses and how relatable the characters feel, especially as a non-binary person who struggles to see themselves represented in games. plus I just like the voice acting in 21 questions
if I'm honest, even if it wasn't my usual genre of romance, night shift was a good play as well, especially for your first game! I can feel the inspiration from horror games and I love those types of things sm. I get why you'd wanna go back and redo it someday, but I think especially in terms of the plot and characters, it had a captivating plot and it was well written... françoise betrayed us tho rip
also this isn't about the games but from what I've seen, it honestly feels like you're a really nice person who happens to be really talented and so you deserve really nice things. even if you haven't been getting them until now, I hope you do start because you deserve it!! I like reading your visual novel rambles bc I agree with a lot of stuff, just me nodding my head in agreement like I wouldn't look crazy if anyone saw me. and it feels nice to see that people still talk about fictif stories to this day cause god they've been collecting dust 😭 I miss those days where I'd be so excited whenever an update was announced... guess I'll never get my rime route now :(
lastly, I just wanna say that I love clem sm. they're literally so cool but still so adorable and I wanna give them all the love and affection. I want us to bake together and then paint each other's nails 💅
and this question has been keeping me awake at night so I just have to ask, I know that at the end of the game he said we'd keep in contact like aurore and her partner, but would they let mc just. follow them to London while he does his thing? there's no point in being in France without your blond french, and I've always wanted to move to an english speaking place anyways... clem can put me in their suitcase, I'll be good 🫶
thank you for listening to my silly rambles, I hope you're having a good day and if not, I really hope it gets better! remember to take care of yourself and take breaks whenever you need them, you're only human so you aren't always gonna be perfect, but at least you know you always try your best even if things don't go the way you want them to <3
Anon whoever you are I love you and I really wish you a wonderful day I started sobbing a bit too hard and now my eyes kinda hurt a bit but your message makes me feel a lot of things and I’m really grateful for such kindness. I’m fucking crying on my poor plushies cause I don’t have tissue, they are all wet and miserable 😭😭😭😭 Words trully can’t explain how much this message means to me, like, this is the kind of message that i’ll keep in my phone gallery to look at when i feel sad and it’s just so sweet and it rassure all the bad things I think about myself so I’m very emotional. It’s 2 am and I had a very long day so I physically and emotionally don’t handle it well but i promise it’s / pos i’m just blabling incoherent thoughts just to say thank you so much and I’m glad you enjoy what I create and I’m glad you draw again and I hope you find joy in making stuff you like + you get soft and cold pillow at night and warm meals in winter anon.
Now i am so sad to spread bad news BUT…. The canon ending of 21 questions is the platonic ending. 21q happens in 2019, Clem move to London in 2021 and ( spoiler alert ) will be spotted in Apple bag which takes place in 2022. Clem’s character and story haven’t entirely been revealed in his game for reasons that I’ll hopefully share in a futur but it’s for the same reasons that realistically… the relationship in 21q is destined to end with distance.
BUT that not the end if you imagine a future with Clem. If your intention is to romance them then there is an open window for the timeline where he’s a bit older. When exactly ? I won’t spoil but all I have to say is that this relationship can work on long term ! It’s just a good person, wrong moment situation and once you know everything about him, then his romance options become more real :}
Mystic talk sorry, like i said i just had an emotional breakdown and it’s late so i will shut my mouth and go to sleep ! Once again thank you so much for your kind words an hopefully you’ll like what I plan to release in the future. Tons of love ❤️
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cgmayra · 9 months ago
Prompt Amy is thinking about her friend Gamma. She really misses him and wishes he was around. All her friends try to make her feel better and their antics are enough to cheer her up.
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(This is a preview image, it does not belong to me! Support the official artist! (x))
Preview Video for prompt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbtulMhVdq8 and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEOn7Y6wE5c for reference of English lines, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFjgepflorc for reference of Japanese lines combined with English dub. It was wonderful to go back, I had no idea how much depth was within Gamma’s story, and I’m so glad I got to go back to my roots of character research and discover so much of a profound ‘secret’ almost about him! <3 I combined both the game, animes, and their separate translations to try and piece together a complete story for him. Enjoy~ As I did while writing his beautiful ‘hero’s sacrifice’ story out! What a happy ending he truly had! Though, bittersweet still :)b
Prompts are Shut Down, I don’t know when I’ll ever open them again, it was just way too much. Sorry, Fam :(
‘Excavation duty, again?’
‘Not only was Knuckles all about saving the relics of his people, which, I totally understand that! It’s just…’
Amy cautiously picked up what looked like a disgustingly soggy robotic eye-socket that was in the depths of the jungle, and sticking her tongue out while shaking her head, also shook her hand to dispose of its remnants into a black garbage bag. ‘Why did I have to be assigned garbage duty..? What am I? The cleaning lady?’
She sighed and continued in her labors, growing weary as the sun beat down with no gentle cloud to shelter her at all.
She continued to use her hammer to jab through the debris of vines and mossy flora, hitting and moving it away without trying to cause too much of a disturbance. She had one foot through the figurative ‘wall’ of entangling vines that made her swing her Piko Piko Hammer around aimlessly, letting out small disgruntled sounds of effort and discomfort before falling chin-fist to the fertile green ground.
She looked so annoyed, gruffing out a puff of frustrated air in a growl as she looked up and saw a choir of frogs croaking in amusement at her fumble.
Grumbling with a look of exasperation on her face, she slowly got one gloved hand under her vibrant red and white-striped hula-hooped dress and continued onward.
Stumbling once more over something, this time metallic in nature, and ringing out a painfully high-pitched tone–She caught herself from falling and stared into the void of vast, endless jungle.
A typical girlie-girl may be done by now… but Amy Rose wasn’t one to easily give up.
‘After all our many adventures… I’m not gonna let this slow me down.’ She kicked whatever was behind her, hearing the tone again, as the frogs on the swerving tree branches above hunched down in precaution at its strange ‘cry’.
Their big ol’ eyes blinked in intervals, and one dared to croak his nerves.
She got up, dusting herself off again, then gave up on tidying herself up when she knew she’d be stumbling about–picking up Eggman scraps from his abandoned robots anyway along the way–and turned to gasp at what she discovered.
It… looked like the haul of a large ship! Just one section of it, torn so fully it appeared to be peeled like a banana!
“What on..? Oh!” She put a hand up by her mouth as she looked to see Eggman’s insignia… “The Eggcarrier!? Is this where it’s been rotting the whole time!?” She took trepid steps around the flattened metal she had tripped over, before seeing the large gaping ‘cave-mouth’ of its haul… darkened but covered with vines to shield the light.
Squinting, she moved the vines out of the way and cried out in alarm as she stepped back while many monkeys and other Flickys of differing species all hopped, leaped, or flew out of the space. “Ahhh!!!” Her eyes went small as she covered her head and ducked.
After the chaotic common finally quieted down, she peeked up and looked around. “Phew…” She put her hands to her chest, smiling somewhat. ‘Looks like it’s been deserted for ages… I don’t think any robots are still actively patrolling it.’ She concluded, and headed on into its hollow basin…
She called it that, because she could hear running water, and stepping further within, she looked down to see splashing water from her footfalls. “... Did it crash to create an unnatural waterfall?” She looked to the side, remembering seeing a large water pocket traveling down in a couple of diverging streams from the cliffs and mountains up ahead…
‘When it crashed here, it must have disrupted the local ecosystem… then seemingly became apart of the landscape over time.’ She concluded, seeing how there were birds nests and grass sprouting through the crevices below her… maybe even natural ways to clean the water by the looks of how clear and reflective the water appeared to be.
‘The cycle of life… Eggman’s destruction… to nature’s remedies…’ She looked in awe, seeing how the whole of the ship was transformed by nature taking over, ruling in its rightful place among the gorgeous jungle peaks and flat lands.
‘Swampy… muddy… but at least it’s my home.’ She gave a small smile to the side of her, ‘I’m proud of you… Mother Nature.’
She continued to compliment its small takeover of Eggman’s ugly mug with vines hanging like tapestry before her foot naturally hit something on the ground below her.
“Hmm?” A black rock?
She narrowed her eyes… “Hmmmmmmmm….” She flexed out her black garbage bag’s opening. “Em-hmm..!” She figured she knew what this was. Scrap to heap away and clear from the area. Tails was looking for any information he could gather for his research into how Dr. Eggman’s scientific genius has evolved over the years, plus with the restoration aspects, it was also Tails’s humble way of contributing to predicting Eggman’s next technological threats.
‘Smart, but can anyone really study Eggman’s erratic behavior and perceive into the mind of the insane?’ She casually quipped, smirking at her own insult humor towards him, but as she brushed the dirt and grim away…
She gasped again,... She had seen this robot before.
‘What was he called..? Beta..?’ Her eyes flashed with recognition.
She dropped the garbage bag and hurried to the other ‘large boulder rock’ beside it.
Tearing through the rubble of pebble, the drapes of leafs, and ripping off and through the strangling roots of nearby shrubbery… she found him.
“Oh, Gamma…” Her eyes welled up, she was so new to learning robots could feel back then… or at least, understand and compute emotions… Their AI beginning to advance beyond Metal Sonic or even Orbot and Cubot… predating those two, of course, but still…
She had her hands drop the thriving green vines from her hands, falling to her knees.
In the roar of the waterfall, the chaotic cries of the living jungle life, and that shallow wind that moved through the hollow mouth of this wrecked, mobile spaceship…
She grieved once again.
Her nose sniffled, and she used her hand and arm to try and clear it from the swelling of emotions…
She reached down and began to try and drag the empty vessel that once held a truly noble, brave, and heroic heart… but it got snagged on something.
‘Hmm? What could that be?’ She thought it another vine, gently lowering the fallen soldier and moving away further obstruction of leaves and dirt to see… his hand was still holding his brother’s.
“Ohhh…” She covered her mouth, “I can’t leave you all… can I?” She looked to Gamma, “They’re as much a part of you as Lily Bird’s family was apart of each other…” She gently looked at the rusted metal… seeing absolutely no life.
Puffing up her cheeks, looking in her defiant and signature look, she mimed rolling up her nonexistent sleeves and heaved and ho’d!
She found all four of them, as well as some other useful bits she put in the garbage bag, and made her way back to Tails’s workshop.
Understandably, she was exhausted, and Tails was equally shocked.
She explained herself, huffing and puffing in her efforts to preserve their legacy, she asked if Tails could look at a memory chip she had found in Gamma.
“It’s pretty badly burned… do you think it’s… melted all his memories away?” She put her hands together, as though to pray there was still something remaining of him… a memento even, of his brave deeds.
“Hmm…” Tails didn’t have a connection to Gamma like she did, but one couldn’t possibly fathom her dismay when he put his thumbs against the opening of the gaps, and cracked it open like a disc.
“AHHH!!” She shrieked, “Tails, why!?!?!”
“Calm down, calm down..! Look! Hehe~” He leaned back, worried she would retaliate, but sweatdropped sweetly at her care for the old robot. He smiled sheepishly, hoping she would let him explain.
Inside, he turned the opened case to reveal a circuit board, shining and golden… it had remained untouched… unsoiled by the long years of wasting away in the jungle… perfectly preserved within it’s metallic, rusted case.
“No damage. I can boot this right up to my computer and you can access the memory files!” He cheerfully comforted her, as her eyes shook with twinkling delight at the prospect of seeing his story through his own eyes.
“Oh, Tails… Don’t scare me like that.” She smiled warmly, walking into his garage with her hand over her heart, trying to slow it from its panic, and sat in the swivel chair.
“I’ve got all your useful pieces to look through from your excavation site. So you can sit back and relax for now. I promise, I won’t scrap Gamma’s brothers.”
She nodded, “Thank you, Tails… I know this sounds kinda selfish…” She worriedly raised her shoulders, a bit bashful.
“Not at all!” Tails readily replied to comfort any of her fears. “He must have meant something to you. I vaguely remember you stopping Sonic from destroying him… So… Yeah! He’ll be all yours, okay?” Tails held up a finger to his mouth, then waved her off after traveling briefly down memory lane.
Now it was her turn… to take a longer, scenic route through it…
She clicked to open the file through the mouse, and selected the first folder.
From what she had gathered, Gamma saw how hard his teammates had tried complete their tasks, only proving that every effort was ‘useless’ if it wasn’t done ‘correctly’.
Having no concept of fear, he continued on, before seeing what became of those who were considered ‘useless’ to Dr. Eggman…
Why did he have to go through that wrong door? And why was it so hard to hear this Pink Hedgehog’s words?
Once he took what Eggman wanted of the Flicky, her and the Bird would be… disposed of.
Was there truly programming outside of direct orders from ‘Master’?
Amy watched as he continued to question his existence, on if things really needed to be done for ‘survival’ or simply because ‘useless things’ had a right to exist too?
Upon deleting his programming, and rounding up his tossed friends, he never had any concept of what fueled him onwards other than the right to live… freely.
All things as they should be… all those Frogs were beautiful and cool, like his friends had mentioned… Friends… Sonic stopped his programming, which was to destroy robots, and listened to the pleading of the Pink Hedgehog… his friend.
Gamma then realized, during the last fight with his ‘brother’ in arms, that even he couldn’t survive… if what he now believed was true, then all creatures needed a ‘guardian’, like Chaos, to protect their existence no matter how ‘useless’ they appeared to be.
Because all things had a purpose, simply to live without ‘Master’s.
Beta had been transformed into what Eggman saw as ‘more likely to be useful’, which Gamma found disturbing. It was equally as brutal as fashioning him into another ‘being’, and he was uncertain if he could save his ‘friend’ any longer.
When he beheld that tiny Bird pleading with its eyes, something fluttered within him… he figured an awakening to humanity, but it was so much more than that.
He could feel that same fluttering within his metallic core for Beta, which wasn’t fully felt with the other E-Series… He had… some connection to this machine. To this… friend.
He had to fight him, but he didn’t want to destroy him.
All his attempts for Beta to change his programming, like he had, were in vain.
When Amy stepped in, during when he felt this first direct connection with the Birdie she titled: “Lily”, she had stated that the creature wanted the best for him.
Was this that feeling? He wanted the ‘best’ for Beta? What would that be?
If he destroyed Beta, would that be the ‘Best’ he was looking for?
If he kept Beta operational, but still defeated him, Eggman would likely tear him apart again, or discard him like the others…
That, he knew, was not the ‘Best’ he wanted for him.
When he battled other Eggman robots, he noticed that Flickies would emerge and pop or fly out of them… He had computed that the Flicky inside him, must have some connection to both “Lily” and Beta.
He computed, during that awful fight, that he–as well–must be destroyed.
Thus, can all their ‘Friend’s truly survive.
Amy watched as his resolve was absolute, and he was prepared to sacrifice his own robotic existence to save the “Lily Friends”.
Amy began to have tears well-up, seeing how hard he fought Beta, and how determined he was to protect and save his friends…
A true heroic act of bravery, a ‘friend’ indeed…
She wiped her eyes, believing she would have done the same if the truth had been presented to her in that fashion.
She had no idea… how much she had influenced him, to rebel against his programming like that… to see and reflect on the true meaning of ‘life’.
His experience with the spirit of Tikal led him to wanting to free the defenseless animals, and fight for those weaker than he.
Amy had called him a ‘Bully’, and he designated that title to Eggman, which she again cried over and had to collect herself to watch more files.
The memories of the Flicky within him stirred… Things his supercomputer couldn’t compute.
He had tried to survive… to work towards a good goal… But he found something greater in sacrifice, allowing another imprisoned life to continue on.
She only looked up when she heard the scratchy vocal recording of her voice,... she was so young back then.
“Stop it!” the tape played with greyish, frizzing lines upon the computer, showing the memories were somewhat decaying from time… “You both are..!”
‘I KNOW, PINK HEDGEHOG.’ Gamma had said in his mind, ‘WE ARE… FRIENDS.’
“You’ve done so much for Lily and me… You were able to save them, thank you!” 
He willingly held his ‘brother’s hand… as the world came down, and their bodies exploded to open up a way for the Flickies to return to their ‘Family’, a concept he knew nothing of.
Except… by the memories… of his now freed Bird.
Amy shook to her core, realizing that after the explosion, even after the Flickies had left, he still was functioning enough to hear her last remarks…
She covered her mouth.
“We’ll be friends from now on! Oh, Mr. Robot… I’ll never forget you.”
How long..? How long had he been ‘functioning’ to hear her..?
Waiting in that jungle of rubbish… just… waiting for someone to find him? His friends?
“Now you and your brother can live together again!” Her voice on the machine recording was too much… She got up, putting her hands on the console of the computer’s keys, and realizing she had accidentally ‘abandoned’ the robot, not realizing he was still desperately hanging on to what little power he had left… what little ‘life’ he still retained…
The sad but poetic tale sent her into a spiral, before a chirp came at the top of the garage.
She looked up, her eyes widening.
A single pink bird..?
It seemed to almost smile in empathy towards her… how long had it been perched there..?
Later, Tails had tried to comfort her, but she begged and pleaded for him to try and give the robots a second chance. “Maybe… they could be assistants?”
“Robots? Working for me?” Tails kinda chuckled at that thought, “What am I? The ‘Good’ Doctor?”
As Amy leaves for her own home, Tails sees the same Pink Bird fly over to land on Gamma’s remains, smiling to him as well, flapping his wings as though showing some familiarity to it.
Tails’s eyes squint, but he puts a hand up to his chin and smiles, deciding on something…
Later, Sonic surprised Amy by saying they were going somewhere. Thinking it a date, she got dressed up only to be rushed to Tails’s place, which made her a bit disappointed before seeing him open the garage, going–”Ta-dah!!!”
Overjoyed, Amy scrambled out of Sonic’s arms, and raced up to the E-Series Robots.
Flickies were gathered all around them, as though they were their new guardians, as Gamma held his gun to in his arm, pointed to the side and away from her, and looked down.
“GREETINGS, TINY PINK HEDGEHOG… AMY ROSE.” He… He knew her name, now…
The Pink Flicky chirped in a beautiful cascade of notes, flying up in a spiral with fluttering wings as though to say, ‘Surprise!’ as well.
Amy leaped up to Gamma, as Sonic rubbed under his nose…
Thanks to Amy, he knew not all robots were meant to be seen just by their surface levels… Though, it didn’t mean he’d stop smashing them to get to their ‘Flicky Hearts’ inside..!
But… Seeing how she embraced Gamma’s resurrection, and how she shook each of his friends hands… He smiled.
He put his hands on his hips, as a Lily Bird landed on his shoulder, chirping and fluttering her wings before nudging his face with her beak, as though nuzzling him.
He winked towards her, “It’s nice… to not have to say goodbye, isn’t it?”
He looked out at the happy picture again, seeing Lily Bird fly back to the Pink bird and their friend to make a trio of Flickies, flying to cover Amy with greetings as well.
“... A hero deserves… a just dues ending.” He relaxed on one leg, letting his other arm dangle down… Giving Gamma his happy ‘hero’s ending…
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collabpartners · 1 year ago
Hazbin Hotel: The Contract of Blood Ep. 7
*Hello guys, we're back with another episode! This episode is published on March 22, 2024. If you guys like this chapter/episode, don't be afraid to heart it, reblog, and comment! That will always be appreciated! Warning: Vulgar language. Enjoy!*
Episode Seven: Sweet Tooth
A knock on the huge wooden doors of a honeycomb-like mansion in the Gluttony Ring echoes. 
Loona stands outside with her paws on her hips. Blitzo is behind her to check on their surroundings. Meanwhile, Mox and Millie are bandaging up Lucifer’s wound. 
“I’m serious. I’m fine,” Lucifer objects.
“With all due respect, your majesty, but we have to make sure the wound doesn’t get infected,” Mox points out. 
“I’d listen to Mox if I were you,” Millie agrees with her husband. 
Alastor looks over Lucifer with a growl. “What the fuck were you thinking? You know I can handle myself.”
“Oh yeah, you totally got this by spacing out,” Lucifer responds sarcastically.
“Blame Husk! Not me!” Alastor snarls. “He’s the one who used our shared powers again!”
“What do you mean shared powers?” Lucifer responds with a widen eyes. 
“Let me put it simply, he has half of my powers. So, he uses half of his powers to threaten one of the ring rulers.” 
“Ooh, which one?” Lucifer asks. 
“I don’t know. That clown jester guy.”
“Oh, that’s Mammon.”
“Yeah, he’s the ruler of the Greed Ring.” 
Angel looks around the wide front yard as if he’s looking for Husk, trembling a bit. 
The doors open, revealing a yellow fox-like creature. She has on a pink shirt with a heart-shape on her fluffy chest. Her waist, hair, and tail resembles a lava lamp, hazel eyes flickering up and down at Loona. 
“Hey, Bee,” Loona greets shyly.
“Loona!” Bee exclaims, zooming over to give a hug to Loona, which shocks the hellhound. She slowly hugs Bee back as they break away. “What brings you out here, girl? I’m not holding any parties this time.”
“Hey, Bee,” Lucifer greets from behind them. 
Bee gasps in shock. “Luci. You’re injured.”
“Eh, it will heal,” Lucifer responds with a soft smile. “How’s your boyfriend?” 
Bee glances inside of her mansion and then back at him. “He’s doing good. Come in.” She opens the doors, letting the group in to the mansion. 
Blitzo looks outside and dials Ozzie’s number on his phone. 
Angel waits outside, hoping that Husk would walk up without scars. 
Blitzo watches with a soft gaze until he hears the phone picked up. 
“Hello?” Ozzie’s voice comes in the other end. 
“Heeeey, Oz. Listen, uh, we’re at Bee’s mansion in the Gluttony Ring. We just got shot by the mafia gang,” Blitzo explains. 
“What the hell? Are you guys alright?” Ozzie responds with concern.
“Weeeell, Lucifer’s shot, but the others are fine. Even the fucked up maid. However, Angel looks shaken up. I saw Fizz taking off with Husk. Are they with you by any chance?” 
“Yeah, they’re right here with me.” 
“Oh, huh. You want to hurry to the mansion. Angel looks like he’s about to cry.” 
“We’ll hurry,” Ozzie responds. 
Ozzie hangs up the phone as it is revealed that he’s at the edge of the Wrath ring with Husk, Fizz, and Mammon. 
“What’s going on?” Husk asks in concern. 
Ozzie clenches his teeth. “Your group of friends were attacked by the mafia gang.”
“What?!” Fizz and Husk shout in unison. 
“Yeah, Blitz mentions about Angel Dust looking shaken up from the fight,” Ozzie responds. 
“Who the fuck hurt him?” Husk growls, his eyes turn green for a second. 
“Whoa, mate, calm down!” Mammon screams.
“Relax, Angel Dust is fine. No one hurt him. He’s just a bit shaken up,” Ozzie responds, attempting to calm Husk down. 
The green fades from Husk’s eyes, causing him to grab his aching headache. 
“Uh, I’m not getting involved in this mafia shit, so I’m gonna go see Siddy. You chums enjoy the fight!” Mammon responds while running away from the group.
Ozzie scoffs. “Fucking coward.”
“Where are they at?” Fizz asks in concern.
“They’re at Bee’s mansion in the Gluttony Ring. She’s not too far from us actually, c’mon,” Ozzie urges as they made their through the edge of the Wrath Ring to get to the Gluttony Ring. 
“Here, hold still,” Bee insists, rubbing honey on Lucifer’s injured shoulder. 
Lucifer grunts in pain on the couch. “C’mon, I can heal easily.”
“You’ll never know if they’re holy bullets or not,” Bee responds as she turns to notice Loona talking with Vortex, Bee’s buff hellhound boyfriend with one missing eye, to catch up with him while Nifty is hanging onto Vortex’s biceps. 
Alastor explores around the mansion, curiosity taking over in his yellow eyes. 
Mox and Millie spends time comforting each other. 
Blitzo sits on the steps outside with Angel Dust to keep him company. 
“But they’re not holy bullets,” Lucifer quips back without hesitation. 
Bee rolls her eyes at his arguments. “How’s your daughter?”
“She’s got a girlfriend and a daughter now--oh shit, they’re still up in Heaven. They must be ready by now. Hold on.” Lucifer adjusts himself and snaps his fingers. The portal opens for a second, letting Charlie, Vaggie, Cherri, Nora, and Bella fall through it. 
The portal closes once they fall through it. Cherri keeps her hold on the holy bullets and holy grenades. Charlie grips on Bella’s small body while Vaggie clings onto Nora to make sure she doesn’t get hurt when falling through the portal. 
“Ah, there’s the rest of the crew,” Lucifer responds until he clenches his teeth in pain. 
“Dad, what happened to you?” Charlie asks in sudden concern.
Alastor perks his head up around the corner. “He got shot by the mafia gang.” 
Lucifer waves his hand. “It’s fine, honey. I can heal myself.” 
Charlie frowns at the state her father is in. She bites her lips and places Bella on the floor before running off to go cry somewhere in the mansion. This is noticed by Bee, who glances at Lucifer. 
“What’s going on with her?” Lucifer asks Vaggie. 
Vaggie softens her gaze and sighs. “I think this is something both you and Charlie need to talk about.” 
Lucifer nods. “Okay, here, let me get up.” He stands up and stretches his shoulder. “See? I can heal myself.” He starts to look for his daughter. 
“Charlie, Charlie,” Lucifer calls until he sees Charlie sobbing in the dark corner. He sits down next to her and looks at her softly. “What’s troubling you, kiddo?” 
Charlie looks up at her father, sniffling. 
“Look, I’m okay,” Lucifer points to his wound. “You don’t have to worry about me, kiddo. Okay?” 
“I’m sorry that we’re not there to protect you,” Charlie says with a sniffle. 
“Hey, I don’t expect you to. Besides, you got us those holy bullets that will take down Valentino once and for all,” Lucifer responds. 
Charlie wipes her tears away. “D-Dad?”
“W-What’s Mom like?” 
Lucifer widens his eyes and blushes. “Heh, where to start? First off, you got her looks. I mean, she’s beautiful. Smart. Independent. Brave, heh. She’s the whole package. But we didn’t work out. You know, adult stuff you didn’t need to know as a kid. I guess you should know now.”
Charlie lifts her head up to listen. 
Lucifer sighs and looks at the wall in front of him. “Long time ago, there are two overlords. Say they are the first ones in Hell. Morrigan and Orais. They kind of copied what your mother and I had. More people came into Hell, and by the time Alastor came by, he must have caused them to be more power hungry, so afraid to be in his radio. So, they manage to start sucking souls for more power. They almost got me and your mother because they know we’re more powerful than anyone in Hell.” 
Charlie blinks in shock hearing this. 
“We thought that it’s best if her and I split, and she takes you with her into hiding. Ever since then, the exterminations became more and more frequent. I’ve been hiding for a long time. Your mother has been in hiding. But since you built that hotel and bring up the idea of rehabilitating sinners, everything changed. I got braver and I’m not sure about your mother. I hope she’s okay too.”
Charlie smiles softly. “Yeah, she’s okay.”
Lucifer blinks in shock. “How would you know?” 
Her lips wobble. “Because she’s up in Heaven.”
“Wait what?” 
“Yeah...she’s been hiding there for the last seven years.” 
“Wait, wait, wait, she just ditch you down here for the last seven years?” Lucifer asks, a bit more angry now. 
She frowns and nods. “I didn’t want to believe it.”
He softens his gaze at his daughter. “How are we so stupid and scared? Did you get a chance to see her up there?” 
“No. I was told she didn’t want to see me...an abomination of a daughter.”
“Who the fuck told you that?” Lucifer growls. 
“Ugh, that bitch,” he snarls. ��Maybe if we see her again, she’ll be more than happy to see us. Maybe.”
Charlie sniffles and looks at her father. “There won’t be exterminations anymore.”
“Shit, really?”
“Yeah...and you know Pentious?” 
“Yeah, he’s one of your friends that died.”
“He’s in Heaven now.”
“Holy shit, really?” 
She nods her head happily.
He cups her face. “Your ideas really work, honey! I’m so proud of you!” 
“Thanks, Dad.” 
“No problem, kiddo.”
Both Lucifer and Charlie exchange a hug. Charlie buries her face into her father’s shoulder, not wanting to let him ago again. 
Angel sits alone while the others are inside of the mansion. He hugs his legs with four of his arms while Blitzo sits next to Angel. 
“There’s plenty of honey inside if you want some,” Blitzo offers.
“Nah, I’m good.”
Blitzo frowns and looks ahead of him. “You still waiting for that Husk guy?” 
Angel nods.
Blitzo rests his chin on his legs. “I’m sure he’ll be back. If he really loves ya, he would come back to you.”
“Does he love me?” Angel asks in shock. 
“Well, I’m not sure. I don’t know him that well, but it seems like you two are close.”
“I guess so.”
Blitzo notices Angel looking ahead. “He’s probably off doing shit around Imp City.”
Angel shakes his head. “He wouldn’t just leave the group unless there’s a reason. And he’s not a coward.”
“Whoa, I never said he was, kid,” Blitzo replies. 
Angel groans. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s going on with me. I’ve slept with a bunch of guys and sucked so many cocks, yet somehow he’s different.” 
“Shit, you slept with a bunch of guys?” Blitzo asked. 
“There’s some I have to and some...I just want to for the escape.”
“Sheesh, sorry to hear that, kid. I think your princess is back with holy bullets. We’ll take down Valentino and you can be free from your contract.” 
“Yeah,” Angel replies.
There’s a brief silence. 
“You like him, don’t ya?” Blitzo asks.
“You like that Husk guy, huh?”
“Oh yeah. He’s a great drinking buddy and a friend to talk to--”
“I meant more than friends,” Blitzo responds, wiggling his brows to allude something more between Angel and Husk. 
Angel blushes and looks away with a sheepish smile. “It’s not like that. I mean, there’s times where I want to be sleep with him. Buuut...I know that’s not what he wants and he doesn’t feel the same for me. I mean, he just wants to hang out with me as friends. Nothing more than that.”
“He seems protective of you though.”
“That’s because I’m one of his friends. He would act like that with Charlie and everybody else.”
Blitzo quirks his brow up. “Yeeeeaaaah, I don’t believe that for a second.” 
“He would though. Me...I’m no different.”
Blitzo blinks incredulously. “You know, man, if you keep talking like that, you might as well--” He stops himself mid-sentence. “Wait, what the fuck am I giving you love advice for? Not like I screwed things up before romantically.” 
“You’ve been in relationships?”
“Yep,” Blitzo answers while emphasizing the ‘p’. “First I screwed things up with Verosilka and now I screwed things up with Stolas. I mean, who am I to say what you have think when I’ve already screwed it up many times before?” 
Angel softly gazes at Blitzo. “How many people have you slept with?” 
“Too many to count,” Blitzo responds. 
Angel snorts. “Me too.” 
Angel and Blitzo high fives each other with laughter.
“Man, wouldn’t it be funny if we fuck each other right now?” Blitzo teases.
“Oh, fuck no,” Angel responds with a giggle. “Besides, I already got someone else in mind.”
“Your Husky poo~?”
Angel blushes a bit. “I mean, I have a crush on him. Just not sure if he feels the same for me.”
“Heh, it’s fine, kid. I’m still figuring out with my relationship with Stolas. I mean, the guy’s royalty. He only wants me to fuck him because his wife is a bitch. Then I kept having sex with him so that I can have the fucking book to get to the living realm so that we can do our professions,” Blitzo responds. 
Angel blinks in surprise. “That actually sounds fucked up.”
“Yeah, it’s almost like Valentino forcing me to have sex with him every day because it’s part of survival.”
The silence emerges between them.
“Holy shit, we got so much in common,” Blitzo utters. 
“I guess.” 
“Ha! Now that’s a new one.”
“What about Stolas? Is he also your kind of lover?”
“Eh. I like him. I mean, if I haven’t had to fuck him every time I need something from him, I probably liked him more,” Blitzo responds. “But I guess there’s fault in me too. I’m the one who started this whole mess.”
Angel frowns and looks up at the sky. “Maybe you should probably try talking things out with him. That’s kind of how Husky and I did it. I mean, he has boundaries and I kind of pushed it...but when I stopped pushing his boundaries, we kind of grown closer because of it. He believes in my redemption when I don’t believe in it myself.” 
Blitzo widens his eyes in shock and then looks down at the ground. “Huh, sounds like a swell guy.”
Angel blushes. “He is.” 
Blitzo smirks. “And he’s smitten like a kitten.”
“Nothing. You’re getting all chummy for him.” 
“I guess. How do I even tell him?”
“How the fuck should I know?” Blitzo responds. “I’m not the right person to come to for relationship advice.” 
Angel sighs. “Yeah, I’m not either honestly. I just...go with what I know, really. Like not pushing his boundaries. I tease him sometimes, but I won’t cross them if he didn’t want me to. He’s probably the first guy I know that has fucking boundaries.” 
Blitzo blinks and huffs. “Huh. And Stolas doesn’t even have any boundaries at all. Well, we both don’t have any boundaries at all.”
“Maybe you should have some boundaries. Like, tell him that you won’t have sex with him unless you’re ready for it--”
“Are you fucking kidding me? I’m ready for sex all the time.”
“Okay, then maybe you should put a boundary that you want to have more in the relationship than just sex. That maybe you want to try dating and try paying attention to him...or something.” 
Blitzo rubs his chin. “Damn, you might be on to something, kid.” 
“Yeah. But that’s going to be complicated if Crimson is up on our asses and we have to kill Val for you,” Blitzo responds. 
“Yeah. Talk things out with him. Ask him what his intentions are...maybe the intentions might surprise you.” 
“As long as you’re willing to tell your Husky-poo that you loooove him!” Blitzo teases Angel.
“Tell me what?” Husk’s voice calls out.
Blitzo and Angel glance up to see Husk bandaged up around his torso and shoulders with Ozzie and Fizz behind him. 
“Husk!” Angel rejoices and runs up to hug him, picking him up. Husk blushes, shocked that Angel is lifting him up in his four arms. 
Blitzo smiles at the exchange, noticing Husk hugging Angel back. Husk purrs, which is heard by Angel and the others. 
“I miss you,” Husk whispers to the side of Angel’s head. 
“I miss you too.”
Angel and Husk are face to face, staring into each other’s eyes before blushing madly. 
Angel smiles nervously and puts Husk down. “Sorry, Husky. I didn’t mean to--”
“You did nothing wrong,” Husk says, holding one of Angel’s hands. “I, uh, sorry that I ditch you guys. I heard about what happened. Are you okay? Are you hurt?” 
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. Where have you been?” Angel asks Husk. 
Husk twitches his ears and looks to the side to see Alastor standing by the front doorway. He shifts his gaze back to Angel and pulls him down so that he can whisper. 
“I’ll tell you everything later,” Husk says with a whisper. 
Angel blushes with a small nod in understanding.
Husk smiles softly at him and they walk towards the mansion together. Ozzie and Fizz glance at Blitzo, who’s smirking and nodding in approval for them. 
“Go get him, Angel,” Blitzo whispers to himself before looking into his phone to find his contacts that has Stolas’ name on top. He frowns and thinks about what Angel says about talking stuff out. A sigh escapes his lips and presses Stolas’ name to call. He puts his phone up against his ear, watching Ozzie and Fizz walking into the mansion together. He hears it ringing until a line picks up. 
“Hey, Stolas,” Blitzo greets Stolas. “How are you doing?” 
“Well, still dealing with the divorce, but I’m good other than that. How about you?” Stolas asks from the other end of the line. 
“Uh, good. We almost got shot, but we’re good.”
“Blitzy! Are you alright?! Are you injured--?!” 
“I’m fine, I’m fine,” Blitzo insists until he realizes he can hear a concern tone from Stolas. He stays silent for a moment before rubbing his face. “Hey, Stolas, there’s something I ought to say to you.”
Blitzo bites his bottom lip ragged. Breathing heavily in panic, no words appear out of his mouth. 
“Fuck,” Blitzo mutters.
“Everything alright, Blitzy?” 
Blitzo is silent for a moment, trying to think of an excuse to hang up the phone until he turns to see Fizz and Ozzie snuggling close to each other when Lucifer and Charlie come into the room to talk their ears off about something funny. 
Bella and Nora sit next to each other, blushing when they’re close until Vaggie sits between them with a watchful eye on Nora. 
Moxxie and Millie are sharing stories with the group, talking back and forth between each other and sharing laughs from the group. 
Cherri tries to keep Nifty from stabbing people in the room, earning giggles from the others. 
Then, Blitzo sees Angel snuggling up close to Husk subconsciously, with Husk almost falling asleep on him. Alastor only gives a small glare at Husk before noticing Nifty on top of his head to watch the others interacting. Vortex and Bee hold each other’s waist, sharing a small peck of a kiss to show affection.
Blitzo softens his gaze at the sight of them and remembers Angel’s words in his head. 
“Just talk things out.” 
Blitzo takes a deep breath in and then exhales. 
“What are we exactly?” he asks with a croaked voice. 
There’s silence in the phone.
“Uh, you’re not drunk, are you?” Stolas questions with skepticism in his voice.
“Nope,” Blitzo responds, almost ready to burst into tears. “Surprise?” 
Stolas is silent for a minute longer until a sigh echoes down the line. “I don’t know, Blitzy. I don’t know. Do you know what we are exactly?” 
“I think...we can be something...I don’t know, a bit more than just liking each other just for sex. Like...maybe just romantic partners. I know you’re still dealing with shit from your wife and it’s the worse time to ask this, but I guess maybe I want something more but I’m too afraid to say or feel it because--”
“Because of what?” Stolas asks softly, almost like he’s understanding. 
Blitzo sighs shakily, trying to withhold the tears. “Because it’s almost like everything I touch, it gets destroyed. And I’m afraid that I’ll destroy you the same way as I destroy everyone else in my life. I feel like a monster.”
He tries not to break down crying in front of Stolas, but he lets out small whimpers. 
“Are you sure you’re not drunk?” Stolas inquires as if he’s in disbelief of what he’s hearing. 
Blitzo chuckles, wiping leaking tears off of his cheeks. “Nope. All sobered up.” 
Stolas is silent for a moment from the other end of the line. “Are you sure you want something more than just sex, Blitzy? Or even with the sex at all? I--I know that I made you do things that you’re not proud of. It’s not fair to put you in the position between me and Stella--”
“Yeah, I’m sure,” Blitzo responds. “Besides, your wife’s a bitch.”
A huff in amusement escapes from Stolas’ mouth. “Yes, she is. But are you serious about this? Are you sure you want a relationship with me? I wouldn’t blame you if you want to back out of this now.” 
Blitzo glances up to see Angel laughing while Husk is telling his stories. He notices Loona getting along with Bella, letting her know that Bella has nothing to be afraid of when it comes to her by sniffing Bella’s hand and licks to show that she’s friendly to kids. He corners a soft smile while watching everyone he cares about spending time with each other. Then he sighs and nods. 
“Yeah, I’m sure,” Blitzo responds softly. He doesn’t know how, but he can imagine Stolas smiling softly from the other end of the line. 
“Alright, then. I still need to work things out with the divorce and--”
“It’s okay, take your time. I can wait.” 
“You sure?” 
“Yeah, I’m sure.” 
They both exchange a soft silence.
“Are you still going to kill the overlord?” 
“Fuck yeah,” Blitzo responds with his usual sass. “He’s kind of beating up my friend every day at the Porn Studios. So, it’s more a free of charge kill.”
“Oh my, I didn’t know that,” Stolas responds in concern. “Mind if I join in the killing?”
“Sure, we got the holy bullets,” Blitzo replies with a smirk.
“Good. Where are you at?” 
“Queen Bee’s mansion in the Gluttony Ring.”
“Alright, I’ll be there tomorrow~” 
“Wait, you’re actually going to show up?” 
“Someone’s gotta be there to catch you if you fall,” Stolas responds with a flirty tone. 
Blitzo blushes and giggles nervously. “Heh, I guess that’s good I got someone with wings to catch me.” 
“D’you mind if I bring Octavia too?” Stolas asks Blitzo. 
“Uh, yeah, why?” Blitzo questions. 
Unbeknownst to Blitzo, Stolas is surrounded by burnt rubble, sheltering him and his daughter from the fire that burned down Stolas’ home. Stolas peeks out to find more imps hunting down for him and his daughter. He looks at his phone and then his sleeping his daughter. 
Stolas takes a deep breath. “We may or may not be hunted down by an insane group of demons.” 
“Wait, what the fuck? What are you doing answering the phone then?”
“I had to quiet the rings down,” Stolas whispers. “We’ll be on our way right now. We’ll be there tomorrow.” 
Blitzo sighs from the other end of the line. “Okay. Be safe.” 
“We will. See you tomorrow.” Stolas hangs up the phone and picks up his sleeping teen daughter. “C’mon, darling, I know where we can go that is safe.” 
With that said, he hurries out of the rubble and sneaks away from the mafia group with his daughter in his arms. 
Rosie sits patiently in the restaurant full of bloody meals from the demon. She has her tea, sipping it elegantly. She hears a couple of footsteps and notice a bat couple with concerned looks on their faces. 
“You made it just in time,” Rosie greets the couple. “It’s about time you take a break.”
“Did you hear anything about where Nora is?” the bat woman asks. “We know she gets into trouble usually, but it’s not like her to be gone for more than a couple of days. I’m worried that she’s slaughtered somewhere.”
Rosie waves her hand. “Keep calm, Eleanor sweetie. I did look for your daughter. She ain’t in the city. I think Susan spots her going with Little Charlie--I mean, Charlie. Oh my, shouldn’t have said that.”
“Oh, that’s a relief,” the man with bat wings responds with a sigh. “Maybe we should’ve just paid more attention to her.” 
“I’m not here to talk about your parenting skills, Sebastian,” Rosie responds. “The V’s are teaming up with Morrigan and Orais.” 
“What? Aren’t they the reason why you’re going into hiding?” Sebastian gasps in shock. 
“Shh,” Rosie shushes them. “I’m not surprised they’re back. He should’ve killed them when he has the chance. But we’re getting side-tracked. The V’s are going to hunt down the group your daughter is in. We need to find them before they do. Otherwise, both Morrigan and Orais will take over Hell. Are you with me?” 
“Whatever it takes to find our daughter,” Eleanor says with a desperate tone. 
“Good. Let’s go.” 
To Be Continued...
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Sometimes it's just better (not to know).
Chapter two: Killed by uncertainty
Lucy Carlyle x gn! Reader
Summary: Is this supposed to be the calm before the storm?
Warnings: not much, maybe a nap that lasts too long lmao
Word Count: 950
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Your boots are too tight. You don’t like them one bit, but you had made the decision to buy new ones for cold winter nights -with equally cold Visitors-, and now you have to live with rock solid shoes, at least until they soften a little with use.
Your rapier is in place in your belt, and so are your salt bombs and greek flares. You had -against Anthony’s wishes for the team to take a week-long break- decided to take back your verdict on the Geralds case.
You had just gotten out of the library, a while after the reading that ruined your morning (and maybe your life too), all puffy eyes and incoming migraine, when you bumped into George. 
“Have you already called the client?” 
There was a frown forming on his face, “I was just about to do that.” He held up the folder where you assume he must have had the contact number. He seemed impatient and irritated, you didn’t blame him.
“Don’t bother, we are going tonight, as scheduled.”
His grimace was replaced by a look of surprise, but he covered it quickly and turned around to head to the basement.
You went right up the stairs and flopped on your bed. You didn’t notice Lucy in the corner of the room until you heard her speak (for a second there you thought she would actually be feeding Skull biscuits, just out of spite). “What was all that about?”
Startled, you turned around and held your body up in your elbows.
“Nothing. I was wrong. We’ll do the Geralds’ case tonight, as planned, so we better start preparing in a little bit.” 
“You sound like you’ve been crying.” She stated, simply.
“Allergies, you know how much dust there is in the library. I was just talking to Lockwood about a new brand of salt bombs that seems to be more effective in dissipating ectoplasm.”
“Love, we make our own salt bombs.” She caught up on your bullshit too fast.
“Did I say salt bombs? I ment flares- greek fires. Remember the other day and how that cold maiden didn’t react to our usual ones?” 
Lucy walked closer to the bed, she kneeled beside it to be the same height as your face. Her calloused fingers found their way to your cheeks. “You know you can talk to me. About anything.” 
You leaned into the touch, closed your eyes, and tried to enjoy the moment. “I know. I’m gonna take a 30 minute nap, and then help you with the chains.” You took her hands in yours, pulled her a little bit. “Wanna join me?”
She rolled her eyes but laid down with you until you fell asleep.
“Should I go wake them? There is only a few hours till sundown.” 
“No, let them rest. I’ll get their chores, what was it? Snack packing?”
“Chain oiling.” The pair headed to the office to get the duffel bags prepared. “What happened today? They were so out of themselves, I’ve never seen them like this.”
“It was just a rough night. Believe me, this happens more than you’d think. A beauty nap is all it takes for them to get back to normal.” Even as Lockwood said this, he didn’t seem convinced. “That is assuming we don’t get their post-nap grumpy mood. I wouldn’t wish it upon my worst enemy.” He chuckled lightly.
Lucy’s lips twitched, right about to form a smile, but she noticed her friend was avoiding answering the question. She knew how closed off you Lockwoods’ could be; after all, it took a year for Anthony to show her the room on the landing, and two years and a half for you to admit your feelings for her, but she wished it wasn’t so difficult to get some actual information. The team was founded on trust, and survival depended on how well you communicated with each other goddammit.
What was supposed to be a half hour nap turned into an I-have-only-forty-minutes-left-to-prepare-for-the-case-’cause-I-slept-six-hours-non-stop nap, which was quite inconvenient. Still, you managed to get ready, apologize for the lack of help on the iron chain department, and chug up half a liter of water on one go, before getting into the waiting night cab.
This is fine, and your boots don’t bother you, and neither does the little tag on the neck of your shirt that you forgot to cut out (again), or the judgy stares you are receiving from George, or the worried ones from your cousin, or the feeling that very soon everything will end. You are perfectly fine, and this is just another day on the job.
From the moment you get to the house, to the moment you emerge from it, everything goes smoothly. The source is easy enough to find, and the Visitor turns out to be a weak type one, not the type two you were expecting. The client paid full price anyway, and the team got back safe and sound.
It was all perfect. And that was alright. More than alright, actually, it was marvelous, but something felt wrong. You knew there was something about to happen. You wouldn’t admit it, but you wish it had been a rawbones or an impromptu cluster, the Geralds’ case that is. It would have been a pain in the ass, that’s for sure, but you had already gotten out alive from situations like that, and such a vile set of apparitions would have fulfilled the readings’ prophecy. Maybe. 
The anticipation that had started in your chest was unbearable. You wanted to get it over with as soon as possible, but still, you felt it wasn’t going to be that easy. It never was.
Taglist: @myownpainintheass @superpositvecloudshipper @carpinchodetecta
A/N: I would love to hear (read) what you think! Hope you enjoyed :)
This story is lowkey stuck, but just because I finished The Creeping Shadow like a month ago, and I haven't started The Empty Grave cause I'm in denial, I don't want to finish the series T-T
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xserpx · 1 year ago
Leo🦁 for the blorbo bingo!
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Thank you so much for sending me this ask 😆! And just to be extra obnoxiously self-indulgent I'm gonna ascribe each square I picked to a specific chapter in the Age of Madness trilogy! 🦁❤️:
OUGHHHH *disintegrates into dust*: "Jurand looked up and their eyes met, and Leo froze, his breath held, his face tingling." The Same Side, TWOC.
Blorbo from my special interest: "Leo bared his teeth, squelching forward through mud battered and mashed by countless boots advancing and retreating, advancing and retreating. The fighting had been fiercest here. Bodies everywhere. Bodies from both sides. Men still and men still moving, crawling, crying, pawing at the ground, pawing at themselves. Leo stepped between them, stepped over them, teeth clenched, head throbbing, pushing on towards the bridge." Settle This Like Men, ALH.
Putting them thru the horrors: "‘I’m fine,’ said Leo, weakly shaking the man off. Fine. Broken, defeated, in constant agony, with a useless arm and an amputated leg, convicted of treason and already on the gallows. Fine." A Footnote to History, TTWP.
I HATE YOU: "Before the Great Change it would’ve been him asking whether they should do something. Bursting through that door in some self-indulgent, self-defeating puke of gallantry. But then he used to be a reckless, soft-hearted fool." Love, Hate, Fear, TWOC.
Fandom is so mean to them 💔: "‘Are you sure?’ asked Brock. ‘I have three-score flatbows with a different opinion.’" The Sentence, TWOC.
Explodes them with my mind (affectionate): "‘No, no, it’s the small cutlery, Leo.’" Common Ground, TTWP.
Gay infinity: "They’d touched each other a thousand times. They’d wrestled and sparred and hugged. But there was something different about that touch. More than one old friend supporting another. Far more. Jurand’s hand didn’t just rest there. It squeezed, ever so lightly, and Leo felt a strange need to tilt his head and press his cheek against it. Take that hand and hold it to his face, to his heart, to his mouth." Grown Up, TTWP.
Bouncing off the walls: "‘Cheer up.’ Leo hugged him roughly with one arm, looking back to the building. The one lit window. ‘There are plenty of ladies for all of us.’ Though he couldn’t think of any close to Savine dan Glokta’s class. ‘Plenty of ladies,’ Jurand echoed, gloomily." A Bit About Courage, ALH.
Killing them with hammers: "Now they huddled in close. United by a common enemy, and a shared purpose, and a righteous cause. Just talk, of course, fuelled by Leo’s frustration, and jealousy, and the pain in his leg. Just talk, perhaps, but dangerous, still. Exciting, still. Just talk, wasn’t it? But with each word said it became more thrillingly real." Future Treason, Past Affairs, TTWP.
Bestie it's not funny anymore get therapy: "They’d both stabbed him in the back while they stabbed each other in the face, yet somehow they could glide away friends, ruling the gardens, loved by all, while he was left nursing unhealable wounds, hated and feared and alone." Good Times, TWOC.
Free Space: "As handsome a crowd of young heroes as you could hope to find. What a painting they’d make! Maybe Leo would get one commissioned. Who’d know an artist?" Young Heroes, ALH.
Babygirl 💖 (has committed horrific atrocities): "‘They love the fire,’ said Leo, tugging his jacket smooth, then turning away. ‘They can have the fire.’" Purity, TWOC.
HGGHHGHHJKGHJURTGEHJM etc: "He wanted to say it all. To puke up his resentments. He had his mouth open to do it. But why bother? The past isn’t made of facts, not really, just stories people tell to make themselves feel better. To make themselves look better." Not For the Prizes, TWOC.
Smacking the floor: "What he wanted to do more than anything was lurch into Jurand’s arms and never let go of him." Different This Time, TWOC.
Rotating in my brain like a rotisserie chicken: "He hated Styria, hated Sipani, hated Cardotti’s, hated this degenerate excuse for a king most of all. He raised his chin, trying to look haughtily down his nose, but his eyes kept being drawn to that trail of dark hair from Jappo’s navel into the not entirely concealing shadows of his gown…" All Tastes, No Judgements, TTWP.
The fandom doesn't know them like I do: "‘We both know you’re not a fool, Leo. For whose benefit are you pretending to be one?’" Where The Fight's Hottest, ALH.
pls talk to me about them I promise I'll be normal :))): "‘You can call me treacherous. Call me ruthless. But ask who I learned it from.’" The Villain, TWOC.
Explodes them with my mind (derogatory): "‘Goes to show,’ he grunted, ‘you have to be your own hero.’" Redemption, TWOC.
Tearing them apart with my teeth: "A representative from the Angland delegation was plucking at the hem of Leo’s jacket in an effort to pull him down, but Leo angrily slapped his hand away. ‘Sit down, you bloody fool,’ Savine forced through gritted teeth, gripping the rail of the gallery. But the Young Lion would not sit down." The King's Justice, TTWP.
Tucking them into bed and kissing them on the forehead 💖: "Tits. Men talked a lot about tits. So Leo did, too. Nudge in the ribs, look at the cargo she’s carrying. But if he was entirely honest, he didn’t really understand the appeal. To Leo, tits were just… there." The Lion and the Wolf, ALH.
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scarletgemstone · 9 months ago
Hazbin hotel Songfic knock knock who cares
spoliers for hope in hell by @chiconisroc I only own my oc Eva/evelyn
some context Eva is back at the hotel struggling with her feelings about what happened to Adam and the stunts that were pulled as roo makes her present known to her and try’s to influence Eva’s thoughts and turn her against everyone in the hotel
(Eva is seen sitting in her room she signs )
Eva”anybody who knows me at all knows that nobody knows me at all (thinks about what everyone did) hey everybody let’s all take a peek at the butterfly freak she’s the girl with the joke of the week who needs her?”
(Eva is seen walking passed her friends rooms as a shadow follows her)
Eva”well maybe I know they need me to pretend ‘it’s a joke’ ‘it’s a game’ till the end (she stops) cuz something tells me we’re all gonna die even though we’ll survive (she grabs her head) and it knocks at the back of my mind “
(Eva is seen in the darkness)
roo”knock knock who’s there “
(Eva looks around)
Eva”I hear the knocking almost everywhere “
roo”knock knock who’s there”
Eva” sick of pretending that I’m unaware “
roo”knock knock who’s there “
Eva”hate to admit it but I’m getting scared “
(Eva is seen on the hotel roof)
Eva”knock knock who’s cares (thinks about the vees) never gonna catch me acting scared (thinks about Adam Charlie and Emily and tries to be strong for them) don’t cry don’t scream cool as can be (she thinks of how she told luci that the deal wasn’t going to stop her) try to stop me if you dare knock knock who cares? Knock knock who cares?”
(Eva is seen looking at pen’s portrait with angel dust cherry comes by and angel glares at her vaggie and husk and luci try to talk to her but she politely asks to leave and she does)
(Eva walks away and roo follows as Eva grows angry)
Eva”I’m never ever gonna make friends again what’s the point when it’s just gonna end? (Thinks about Charlie and Adam) and by the way they’d hurt them at best and at worst they betrayed us I’m surrounded by pain who needs em!”
(Eva comes to her senses shocked and becomes mad at herself for her outburst)
(She seen with Adam they talked she than leaves to let him rest but she sees Charlie and angle talking to cherry )
Eva”and let’s pretend that I care”
Roo”which I don’t “
Eva”I would help if I could “
roo”but I won’t “
(Eva looks shocked as roo tries to influence her thoughts she runs away from the group and into her room and locks herself in)
Eva”cause something tells me we’re all gonna die even worst we’ll survive and it knocks at the back of my mind “
roo”knock knock who’s there “
(Eva looks around and sees no one)
Eva”I hear the knocking almost everywhere “
roo”knock knock who’s there “
Eva”sick of pretending that I’m unaware “
roo”knock knock who’s there “
(Eva looks at a mirror and holds her face)
Eva”hate to admit it but I’m getting scared “
(Eva punches the mirror and runs to the roof)
Eva”knock knock who cares never gonna catch me acting scared don’t cry don’t scream cool as can be (illusion of vox and Val grab her arms) try to stop me if you dare (she pulls away) knock knock who cares (she falls to her knees) knock knock who cares “
(Eva tries to clam down as darkness surrounds her)
Eva”calm down you’re fine this all in your mind “
(Roo appears)
roo”cruel jokes can hide the feelings building inside “
(She shows Eva what her friends did and what luci did)
roo”they’re not your friends you don’t care about them you don’t need to pretend soon it’s all gonna end you’ve seen it happen again and again and again “
(Eva looks away as hers eyes fill with tears )
Eva”knock knock who’s there?”
(Eva stands up)
Eva”knock knock who cares never gonna catch me acting scared don’t cry don’t scream cool as can be (looks at roo) try to stop me if you dare knock knock who cares knock knock who cares”
roo”they’re not your friends you don’t care about them you don’t need to pretend soon it’s all gonna end “
Eva”knock knock who cares”
roo”you’ve seen it happen again and again and again and again “
Eva”knock knock who cares”
(Eva looks around and sees she’s alone she sighs sadly and goes to her room)
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krowjet · 1 year ago
Screw fucking with this one. This kid’s on the edge of a mental breakdown, they need to study for multiple final exams in the next week. They’re only here because the last one quit and I got to run around for a week straight. I can feel the amount of anxiety in my soul. This one is gonna cry if someone tries to interview them. They’re surviving on ramen and dinosaur chicken nuggets. Energy drinks flow through their veins. I’ve never heard so much mental screaming. I can’t even tell their super power underneath all that.
I sigh, seeing them approach me. “You know, even for a college student you’re a wreck. When was the last time you actually had a home cooked meal and a night of proper sleep? Do you need someone to tutor you?”
That caught them by surprise, and I’m honestly impressed they aren’t shaking. “How did you- oh… yeah.” They trail off quietly, flushing a brilliant red color. “Yeah. Anyways, you need sleep. Look, it’s fun causing enough chaos to make a TTRPG seem mild, but it’s not nearly as fun when the hero looks ready to pass out of exhaustion.”
I see them shift uncomfortably, rubbing their arm like a child caught doing something wrong. It’s kind of adorable see them so embarrassed by it.
“Anyways. How about we head someplace to eat. I’ll even pay, help you study, and then you go home to rest. I’ll put off causing chaos until you’re done with those exams.”
They nod like a small child, and I can’t help but smile at them. “Alright. We’ll meet at the local diner in an hour. We’re going to change and look like normal people. Bring your notes.”
I watch them nervously eye me, but I think they can tell I’m serious, so they dart away.
This is the most troubled hero I’ve ever seen, I couldn’t even find the urge to fight them in me. I sigh once again. It’s not like me to pick such a calm response to a hero, but unlike the last few, this one genuinely already was in such a bad headspace there really wasn’t much left for me to do. Besides, I’ve been there myself. College was rough, alright?
I leave the scene myself. It wasn’t like I got very far with my felony, only breaking down a door to a jewelry store and luring out the employees with ease since they really don’t get paid enough to deal with me. The owner would be able to replace the door perfectly fine, I know he had insurance from a previous attempt. It’s a good thing the city is actually good with replacing these thing, but still, I don’t steal from small or local businesses. I might be a villain, but I have morals.
I quickly rush back to my apartment on the edge of the city after I change in a gas station’s back room. It’s not particularly my favored type of clothes, but flip flops and things like a tank top and basketball shorts are easy to switch into and hide. I’m friends with the manager on duty, so she lets me do so without a care. She looks away as I exit to avoid looking at my face if asked, and I slap a fifty on the counter for her on my way out as a thanks.
I enter my apartment, and step into the nicely decorated room. It’s small, but it’s perfectly fine for me. All the furniture is from large chain stores or garage sales I paid extra for. It is a little dirty at the moment, since I have a basket of laundry on the couch and it could use some dusting. I pick through the basket for more nice clothes. A nice trench and some simple black pants with a cream turtleneck. Very academia in terms of aesthetic.
I grab my old notebooks from college. It’s not the first time I’ve tutored, and actually I used to do it for a job. Well, side job, but still. I was in the same course as that hero, from what I could tell from the exams they were panicking about.
I put them in my bag along with my wallet and keys, and head out once more to go tutor them. I head down to the local diner, run by a sweet old couple who used to babysit me.
I walk in, waving to the wife, who was hosting for the night, training a new employee. She waved back, and I look around, finding the hero. I walk to them, and plop across from them.
They wore a relaxed outfit of jeans and a band shirt, their green hair tucked into a beanie. It was all looking a little worn, and I could tell it had been a while since they had gotten any newer clothes.
“So… what do I call you? We’re out in public, so best not to use the show names, but I also don’t want to exactly share our documented names. While I could just look in your brain, that feels kind of rude given the circumstances.” They nodded in response, thinking for a second. I can hear the names flashing in their mind, from “bird” to “cactus” to even “gender.” I don’t get some of them, but they smile as one pops up and sticks.
“You can call me Aspen.” I nod, sticking my hand out to them. “Well, Aspen, you can call me Tudor.” They shook my hand, their hand a little clammy and with stiff movement.
“Alright, next question. You already know my ability. I want to know yours, seems fair all things considered.”
Their mind floods with a panicked noise, a bit of screaming, and wondering what the hell they were suppose to do here. I put my hand up, a sigh on my lips. “Relax, kid. You don’t need to tell me right now, I’m only asking since it might make it easier to help you study if I have something to work with that. It’s easier to build study plans when I know limitations.”
“It’s changing gravity.“
I pause. Gravity manipulation is usually rare, and those kind of individuals typically end up working more in things like science on space stations, but this kid is more interested in money management and accounting. It’s a weird field, but honestly I can’t say anything.
“Well, I’m not sure how that’s gonna work as well since you’re focused mostly on money and economics. But anyways, we should probably start.”
I call over a waiter, and I let Aspen order whatever they want to eat, telling them I’ll pay and it’s my treat. They’re hesitant at first, but I’m firm in my decision.
I help them review all the material for their upcoming exam, and being a telepath makes it significantly easier to help them understand the material since I’m able to see exactly what they’re struggling with.
“So, since you did so well with your study session, how about I take you clothes shopping as a treat?” I feel the surprise off of Aspen, which turn to excitement and nervousness. Some thoughts emerge about whether or not they can trust me, and I can understand.
I am villain, I regularly cause chaos around the city. But just because I commit crime, doesn’t mean I don’t have morals. I have a clear moral compass, and hurting someone who’s already in enough trouble is not something I add to.
“Seriously, kid, I’m not gonna be tricking you into getting along with me. You’ve seen my track record and you know just as well as I do have a very specific style of villainy and tricking people to like me isn’t it. The amount of people I target that do that is pretty notable.”
They still are hesitant, and I sigh. “Look, if you don’t want, that’s fine. But at the very least, meet me here later and I’ll keep tutoring you. Got it? Foods on me.”
I stand up, ignoring their protests as I go to Danny to pay the bill. I leave a large tip for the waiter, and I wave goodbye to her and Aspen before going home.
For the next week, despite their mistrust of me, we continue to meet at the diner. I pay for their food, and they learn the material well. It helps I can tell when they make mistakes, but even then, I can see lots of growth and understanding. Tomorrow is the last day before their exam, so we’re doing a final review. These are some of the last credits they need and I want to make sure they don’t need to retake any courses.
I walk in, finding them in the usual booth towards the front.
“Hey kid. Todays the last study day, so let’s do some light review of the material as a whole, then get some tea and go home, alright? You need sleep before your final.”
Aspen nodded, pulling out the study guide I made them the second night of studying. “Alright. I made a study set for you online, so you can go over that tonight and in the morning.” They grin, hurriedly pulling out an old and cracked phone. I frown, the urge to get them a new one filling me to the core.
Some might say I’m going soft, but this kid clearly doesn’t get spoiled much. They’re a good kid, clearly deserving of it. Regardless of my role as a villain, I’d do it anyways.
“Alright, here’s the code, if you have any questions I’ll be able to address them.” They nod happily, getting busy on the new set. I can hear them excitedly getting them all right, passing with ease. Some stump them a little, but they work them out on their own. It’s impressive, really, how well they’re able to do.
I order a dessert I saw peeked their interest a few days ago, and they practically squeal with excitement.
“Ight. Do well on your test, little Aspen. Get some sleep, meet me here the day after tomorrow. I’ll take you out for a treat, all right?” They grin, and I can feel little of the nervousness and hesitation they did the first time, it’s mostly been replaced with excitement.
I wave goodbye, and I watch them leave, walking back to the front to talk to Danny and her husband. “The way you take care of them is adorable. You’re like a parent to them.” I blush, not having taken into account the fact I act like that.
“Uh… I think I picked it up from you two. You treated me like that as a kid, and I merely try to mimic it.” They hug me, wishing me a goodnight before they let me leave.
I pick up a few extra ingredients for a nice meal for them. It’ll be a nice change, and I’ll make plenty for them to take to their apartment and roommate.
I turn on the tv, deciding to watch the news for a little bit. There’s some news about my absence for the last two weeks, how the city has been a bit more chaotic. There’s still plenty of criminals and villains, some worse than I am. In my absence, they’ve gone crazy. The amateurs aren’t nearly as efficient as I am, but they are causing a lot more destruction than I have ever done.
The news flash to an ongoing crisis. It’s a bank robbery with some hostages being held. I narrow my eyes. Even I have more morals than that. The innocents shouldn’t be dragged into our crimes. It’s stupid. You can steal all you want, but don’t endanger them directly.
The reporter continues. “A hero as arrived on the scene, but they’re struggling to deal with those group. Currently, they are fighting a villain with an electricity ability. Reports are saying this is a match up between a group of villains who’ve only recently picked up in their crime rate, and a newer hero.”
I take a look at the hero, and my eyes widen. That looks like the uniform that Aspen had on when we first met. They’re getting hit hard.
Anger wells up inside me. I don’t even bother to change into my own uniform, put I grab my mask and goggles, and my bike’s keys.
I jump out the window into the parking lot, rolling and running to my bike. I rush to the bank, zipping through the streets and ignoring all traffic laws as much as I can to get there quickly without hitting anyone.
I get there not longer after. It’s stupid, maybe, but I can’t help it. I kick the stand down and leave it not too far away, dodging beyond the police barrier despite the screaming. I don’t care, my kid’s out there, in trouble.
They’re getting the shit kicked out of them, and I stomp over. I reach into the asshole’s mind, digging far in and pulling their worst fears out. He can feel the hellscape forming, and he crumples to the floor, screaming. He’s yelling about a fire and smoke, burning alive.
I kick him away from Aspen, picking up the kid. “You’re supposed to be resting,” I whisper as I rush them towards the barrier. “Get them medical care, I’m dealing with this.”
I hand them off to an EMT, panic welling inside me. I push it down, I can’t let it get to me right now- people inside need me. I walk to the bank, gripping into the minds of all inside- panicking hostages are clearly distinct, and I push a feeling of calm upon them. The anger, serious, and threatening ones I can feel as well, and I dug deep into their brains.
“You all are assholes,” I say as I walk in. They can’t even try to fight me, too far deep into their fears to even able to hear me. I pick up one of their guns, and I hit them each upon the head, hard. Every time they crumple to the ground.
I look over to the scared hostages. They’re all scooting away from me. I sigh, and I can see them all tied up with rope. An idea dawns on me, and I quickly untie them.
They all rush out, afraid of me. I get it, I am a known criminal, and I did just absolutely wreck about four criminals in front of them and came out unharmed. I took the rope and tied them all up, leaving them all in front of the counter. I gather their weapons and put them in a pile away from them, putting them on safety or sheathing them. It’s best to keep them from potentially getting hurt when they pick them up.
I leave, going back outside, walking past the barrier. “All have been dealt with. Four side, unconscious and tied up, weapons away from them. One in front, also unconscious. All hostages evacuated. Where’s the hero?”
They rush to get me to them, fear in every single one of them. It’s not like I’ll hurt them, that they know, but they’re afraid of my potential and if I did try. Police are rushing in to the bank to get them all, doing another sweep.
I’m not allowed into the ambulance, but they assure me they’ll be alright. I nod my head, and they tell me where they’ll be taken. They know I’ll just find out anyways. Aspen’s name floats in their head, almost as if they’re telling me. I can see them looking at me and I know they really are.
I nod and they finally go to asleep.
I leave for the day, and I go home. I don’t care what the news says about today, Aspen, or should I say Jensen Ogden, is all I’m focused on. I can hardly think about anything else. They were in so much danger today, I can’t stop myself from thinking about what could have happened if I’d been too late.
Regardless, I pack a bag of stuff to give them when I visit tomorrow. I might be soft, but no one messes with my kid.
You are a telepathic supervillain that uses their powers to create the perfect personalised hellscape for every hero. But when you peer into the mind of the newest hero you find that they are a complete mental wreck and honestly you just feel sorry for them.
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jamiekb · 1 year ago
Listening to TMA for the first time (Part VIII)
#101 Another Twist: I’m probably gonna have to go over that again. Well at least as a first listen: Gertrude had quite a bit of knowledge of some events and entities, enough to know when they would happen and how to disrupt them. One of those was possibly the Spiral?? Well at least whatever connected the people that Michael mentioned. So she used her assistants (I'n guessing this happened to all three) to stop it, in this case Michael. He made him go through the Door and find his way into the heart of it stopping its event and basically forcing it into a new form that is Michael. But now because it was playing with John ended up transforming??? again into Helen Richardson. Oh I guess she was the real estate agent that disappeared after giving her statement. Well at least she liked him enough to help him get out, wonder if they’ll appear in the Archive.
#102 Nesting Instints: A bit weird but definitely not as bad as they have been lately. I really like the fact that John is slowly starting to kinda stretch his powers, now he can just read a statement that he shouldn't be able cause it's a statement, starting to connect some dots and at least has some sort of direction, even if it leads eventually to nothing. And yay a bit of communication from John to people in the Institute, it's just Martin for now but hey progress is progress.
#103 Cruelty Free: Again, so cool to see John use more of his ability, and what he use that information. I hadn't really considered that since the tapes are technically for the Institute that Elias could use them to spy on people. Interesting to see that John will start traveling more.
#104 Sneak Preview: Oh poor Tim no wonder he's even more angry about the whole thing, I've got a feeling he's on the edge of doing something rash. And nice to see confirmed that Elias can monitor them all through the recorder. Well at least Tim has been read in I guess.
#105 Total War: Well that was another devasting account of a war I hasn't even known took place, kinda makes me want to go digging a bit for more context, but maybe another day, that's kinda heavy. So she did find something at that Institute (same difference), but apparently it's in America. There have been more statements from over there, the whole thing and the dust and the poor stranded woman in the cave, so who knows where it could be or what it could be about.
#106 A Matter Of Perspective: Well I wasn't expecting to end up crying by the end, got it Elias will make aby decisions he cares to and follow up on them to see things flow they way he wants them to. Props to Lydia Nicholas for her sounds of dispair when she could feel how awful of a fate her father had suffered, it really got to me, and paired with Melanie's father having dementia (something of an unfortunate but regular fate in my family) I didn't stand a chance. Moving on to a lighter note it was interesting to see how Melanie reacts to statements now, when they all now a bit more about the Eye. And I was loving the gossip, what I could take from that was: many think (I'm sure they're right) that Martin has a crush on John, John does apparently date but seems ace, Melanie is mean to many people and Basira just keeps on reading. Oh and I can't wait to hear the statement of that other astronaut and find out what happened to them after. Seems like Simon Fairchild is a fan of expeditions into the abyss of things bigger than us.
#107 Third Degree: I really like the writing of the show, with just the acting you can get the idea that John ain't feeling well and of course then Elias sends the envelope and ties it all together, not that it's not what you expect, more like just the right amount of confirmation. And did we know who the daughter of this Robert Montauk??? I can't even remember who that guy is, hasnt been relevant in a while I guess, I've have a mind to look him up. I'm guessing the officer is the same John has just read. And hey Trevor Herbert, I do recall he hadn't died but I don't think that we've heard more from him, so that little trio shall be interesting. I just hope that the people at the Institute don't suffer too much before he can remember. Also we haven't had anyone from the Lightless Flame in a while.
#108 Monologue: wait Basira keep on talking, you seem to be connecting quite a few dots that'll be useful in the future. If I'm kinda remembering what statement she's talking about, then it's one of urban exploration and feeling like you're somewhere else. In any case what does sound interesting is that for many there are other factors or events happening elsewhere that are related to it. And I didn't really understand how that statement relates to Peter Lukas, is it the people that arent people but more in a feeling sort of way??? I'm sure it'll be explained a bit more later on.
#109 Nightfall: oh thank god that they always know what to put in the episode so that you're not completely lost if you forget names. Ok so that's interesing so the weird cult are still messing around with people. I do recall the mention of water really dark and deep but I'm pretty sure that was from an expedition with Simon Fairchild, so I don't kn ow if that's connected. in any case good to know you still have weird things like Trevor just not dying for some reason, can't complain it's been entertaining having those three.
#110 Creature Feature: I'll be honest I thought we were done with the spiders, but then again now we never seem to be done with anything so that shouldnt shock me. Ok nice to know that at least these three can sort of communicate and that almost everyone is up to date that the tape means Elias can hear it, not great for teling a story so it'll be interesting to see them plotting but trying to not be too obvious I guess. And yes poor Melanie, still can't get over how horrifying that must be. And it's okay Martin, I'm sure your cup of tea is still appreciated although Basira is right, it won't solve anything on it's own. Also I'm shocked that Martin didn't feel terrible after reading that statement, was it because of something on the Institut or because John is doing better form getting his?
#111 Family Business: my god that episode!!!!! That was so much more than I could have hoped for. Like they mentioned, you kinda know some stuff from what they've already mentioned in earlier episodes and specially since john started getting kidnapped. In any case I thought the 14 fears/classifications was more of a fandom thing like outright said, but then again I knew very little about TMA before listening to it. I'm so glad to know I wasn't that far off for how some might be similar but they don't represent the same thing. If I wanted to study it a bit more before continuing to listen I might make an excel sheet for some of the mayor players and how they were related to some Fears (Lukas, Fairchilds, Lightless Flames, Circus, etc). But still I feel a bit validated and not as lost as I feared (haha). Again love how DoneTM John is with all of this, he just doesn't want there to be more revelations but they keep on coming and there's so much more to go. And to wrap it up, the Eye thing, the Rite of Watcher's Crown. I'm guessing that's how Elias got into the power that he has maybe or it's gonna be something to be stopped kinda at the time as the Unkowing. Maybe not exactly since they all spell End of All Things but it's certainly gonna be interesting that we have that to prevent when someone like Elias might want it to happen since it's related to their master, many of these involve like a buildup of power and sacrifice one way or another, so either it doesn't seem great for the many assistants that we now have or it's gonna be a bad time for John since he's been gaining more control of his abilities. I'll have to wait and see I guess. Wait I'm guessing since Gertrude has been working on this for awhile then that's what happened to Michael, he was used to stop the ritual for the Spiral, maybe the others had a similar fate?
#112 Thrill of the Chase: Are Basira and Daisy a thing???? "Could use a bit of air", sure Basira and Daisy could use some TLC i guess. Please tell me that John is gonna read the others in. Although I'm not a fan of having people separated. In any case interesting story, just kinda gives you anticipation, good feeeling for the Hunt I'm sure. Is Daisy serving the Hunt then or is she just really intense about killing monsters?
#113 Breathing Room: Ah so that's how we're gonna get around the things that we shouldn't be able to see, just John unfortunately carrying the tape recorder everwhere or it turning on around the Institute if it can. In any case it seems that whole dreams things can connect to the dreams that Basira and Daisy used to have, maybe. The name Adelar Decker seems familiar but not enough so that I can recall who it is. He's a doctor or coroner so maybe the one from the University that taught the not things, or maybe it's just someone with more connections since he knows about the Fears and their names and was confortable enough aound Gertrude to move some things for her
#114 Cracked Foundation: From everyone's frustation about the tape I almost think it's followig him, but I'm guessing it's more to do that's it's tied to they way his avatar works for the Eye. So I guess they're gonna blow up the wax museum??? Finally some communication between John and Tim, poor guy he just can't catch a break from different traumas, but maybe this will make him feel a bit better. And I'm guessing the house it's the one that also did something to the priest??? Again it sounds familiar but not enough for me to recall the statements perfectly.
#115 Taking Stock: now now don't be like that John, Helen just doesn't know what it is at the moment and is clinging to small bits of familiarity. You have also been blindly stumbling around, and Michael/Helen have never wanted to hurt you, don't be a dick. Also is it me or do we have and awful lot of names that seem variants of Michael (Mike, Mikaele) kinda like John at the beginning, are they just common?
#116 The Show Must Go On: Soooo they're planning something else along with blowing everything up right?? When did John get an axe? What are Martin and Melanie going to do? What are Daisy and Basira going to do? I'll be honest this confrotation has me itching for an animatic or something, I've half a mind to do some drawing of my own once this season ends, I love some good automata and not-quite-mechanical-things
#117 Testament: On a lighter note hey is John kinda flustered from the tape where Melanie and Basira gossip about Martin? Seems that way for sure, specially considering what Martin says in his statement, still they've got time to sort that out later. So going back to the plan, Daisy and Basira are gonna take care of explosives, Tim is distraction (he's not gonna make is he?), John will do something avatar-esque and Martin and Melanie will burn something at the archives I guess?? Should be interesting in any case.
#118 The Masquerade: Well I must say Alex is a very good actor, you really do feel your heart get squished when he's sobbing and in pain. I thought they might be burning some of the Archive not just destracting Elias to get something, what could it be?? The other tapes from Gertrude? Keys? I've no clue, so I'll wait on that. Then the suspense and chaos of what happened with the museum, at the end I couldn't really process much from too many things only that Daisy had a gun and was maybe pointing it at John.
#119 Stranger and Stranger: That was a headache and a half trying to make sense of it until the end. So let's recap to see if I understood correctly: Indeed everyone was not really aware of reality of who they were o who they were with. Basira was the chillest one, she could kinda talk herself down from fear and find her self. Daisy was hallucinating (yeah I'll go with that word) the guy she murdered?? Nvm just went to the trnscript, it's the guys from the delivery thing, she really just went feral, good for her I guess. Then most of it was Nikola taunting John with faces of people he knew like Gertrude and Lietner. But then there was Sarah?? who is she??? Was she one of Gertrude's assistants? Or maybe the granddaughter of the calliope guy? I'll be honest I can't recall a Sarah, especially since it seems that it belongs to another Fear. They did mention that they sometimes help each other out. "You can have your little girl in the dark", according to the transcript, but I'm drawing a blank. It does seem like the Eye thing is next or least that Nikola wanted to fight Tim with his hate for it.
#120 Eye Contact: What an intense end of season. So, John is indeed stepping in more into his avatar role, his body is not really human and it's a bit more linked with the Eye. He can really go into the dreams/minds from people that have given they're statements. The ones I could remember were: the exterminator, the subway girl, the doctor teacher for the not humans, Jane Prentiss I think, the computer program, the coffin and Georgie. The graveyard feels significant but I don't really remember anything from that. Ok so they did indeed take tapes but it was the one where Elias either admited to killing Gertrude or killed Leitner. And i definitely didn't think that Peter would basically step in for Elias being away. So they will be monitored but in a different way so that'll be interesting, we still don't know a lot about what the Lukas' can do. And I just listened to the trailer as well, what are they gonna do??? Who has to be safe and why?? What are you gonna do Martin?? Did the tape recorder turning on is just a manifestation of the Eye or from John himself??
Well onto the next season
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